Communicable Disease

Cards (9)

  • Pathogens are microorganisms that cause disease in humans or animals. They can be easily spread.
  • The four types of pathogens are: Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi, Protists
  • Bacteria are very small cells which can reproduce in your body very fast. They produce toxins (poison) that damage your cells and tissues which makes you ill.
  • Viruses are not cells.
  • Viruses can reproduce in the host cell and cause damage to the cell. It replicates itself until the cell bursts and this cell damage makes you feel ill.
  • Protists are single-celled eukaryotes.
  • Some protists are parasites. Parasites live on or inside other organisms and can cause them damage. They are often transferred by a vector e.g. mosquitoes can carry malaria
  • Some fungi are single-celled while others have a body made up of hyphae. Hyphae can grow and penetrate human skin and the surface of plants, causing disease.
  • Pathogens can be spread through the air, water, or direct contact with an infected person.