Biological Approach

Cards (10)

  • In the biological approach, humans are seen as biological beings and it is expected that their behaviour is explained at a biological level
  • The biological approach says that characteristics can be inherited
  • Genotype refers to the genetic makeup of an individual
  • Phenotype refers to the observable characteristics of an individual as a result of their genotype and their environment
  • The biological approach has led to the development of treatments which prevent the reabsorption of serotonin and have been effective in the treatment of OCD
  • Biological determinism is a problem- the approach sees human behaviour as governed by internal causes which we have no control over
  • Key researchers:
    Case study that supports the biological basis of behaviour- Phineas Gage ( personality change after damage to the frontal lobe )
  • The technology used to collect data is objective , and is a scientific approach - often methodology is reliable . However, these scientific methods may reduce behaviours to unrealistic actions and therefore lose sight of the possible impacts of factors such as cognition and culture on behaviour .
  • The biological approach highlights the importance of natural selection in evolution - adaptive genes which enable the individual to survive and pass their genes will be bred into the next population - those without those genes will be less likely to survive and pass their genes .
  • Neurotransmitters can affect behaviour , e.g. low levels of serotonin (because of reabsorption to the pre-synaptic neuron) are associated with OCD and SZ is linked to excess activity of dopamine in subcortical areas of the brain