There are no west-flowing rivers in Brazil, dissimilarities between the eastern and western coasts of India, fewer natural ports on the eastern coast of India, and as compared to Amazon, pollution in river Ganga will affect human life greatly.
The Shield Area is considered to be the core portion of a continent, made up of igneous crystalline rocks and high grade metamorphic rocks, and their period can be from 580 million to 2 billion years.
The size of catchment area, their relative location within respective countries, headwater regions of rivers, orientation of the rivers, major tributaries and their orientation are factors that can be considered for comparison of the basins of Ganga and Amazon river.
Brahmaputra, Ganga, Damodar, Mahanadi, Brahmani, Son, Yamuna, Chambal, Narmada, Tapi, Godavari, Manjra, and Bhima are the main rivers and lakes in India.
Sao Francisco is the third important river of Brazil, occupying the eastern portion of the highlands and flowing towards the north for a distance of about 1000 km over the plateau before entering the coastal strip along the Atlantic Ocean.