
Cards (59)

  • Population is an important resource of any country.
  • The qualitative aspects of a population are important for a nation’s economic and social progress.
  • Brazil’s population density is very less.
  • Population density is high in the Ganga plains.
  • The density of population is sparse in Amazon basin.
  • India’s population density is high.
  • India's population is around 121 crores according to Census 2011, making it the second most populous country in the world.
  • India occupies only 2.41 per cent of the land area of the world whereas it supports 17.5 % of the world’s population.
  • India's average population density is 382 persons per sq.km as per 2011 Census.
  • In India, population is very unevenly distributed due to the influence of physiography and climate.
  • Due to the fertile land, plain land and availability of water, human settlements have been established in these parts for many centuries.
  • Due to farming, industries and trade, the proportion of the population got concentrated in few places such as the northern plains of the country, Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune, Bengaluru, Chennai, etc.
  • In mountainous hilly regions, dry desert areas, dense forest areas, density is sparse because of inaccessibility, absence of facilities and tough life.
  • Brazil's population is around 20.5 crores according to Census 2010, making it the fifth most populous country in the world.
  • The graph shows that the number of women in Brazil have always been more than men while in India they have never been more than men.
  • Brazil occupies 3.37 per cent of the land area of the world whereas it supports 4.5 % of the world’s population.
  • Brazil occupies 5.6% of world’s total land and has 2.78% of world’s total population, resulting in a density of population around 23 persons per sq.km.
  • Considering the age of population, Brazil's population is getting slowly older, but in India, the situation is different with a higher proportion of youth.
  • Sex ratio means the number of females per 1000 males in region.
  • In India, men outnumber women and there has been a slight increase in the sex ratio after 1991.
  • The central and western part of Brazil is less populated with a moderate density of population in the highlands.
  • The distribution of population in Brazil is very uneven with majority of Brazilians concentrated within 300 kilometers of the eastern coastal plain where agriculture and industries have flourished well, resulting in higher density of population.
  • The sex ratio of Brazil has been more than 1000 since decades and the number of women have considerably increased than men since 2001.
  • Brazil is the most populated country in the South American continent with a population of around 19 crores, according to Census 2010, which ranks 5th in the world.
  • The interior in the Amazon Basin is sparsely populated due to unfavorable climate, heavy rainfall, inaccessibility and dense forests, with settlements occurring only in few places.
  • Brazil's average population density is 22 persons per sq.km as per 2010 Census.
  • In Brazil, population is very unevenly distributed due to the influence of physiography and climate.
  • Population pyramid does not provide the number or percentage of various age groups of males and females in our country.
  • India’s population growth rate was higher till 1971 but then this rate stabilized.
  • In most of the developing countries, life expectancy is still less but with socio economic development, it is increasing.
  • Improvement in health facilities, progress in medical field, access to nutritious food leads to an increase in average life expectancy.
  • Population pyramid helps us to know the proportion of children, youth and the old people in our country.
  • In a population pyramid, the number of young people is more in both the countries but the proportion of children is more in India while proportion of people in the age group than above 80 years is more in Brazil.
  • Population growth rate is represented by a graph line going down, it doesn’t mean population is decreasing.
  • There is a relationship between increase in life expectancy and growth of population.
  • From 2001 to 2011, India’s population increased by 18.2 crores.
  • Population pyramid is used to study the age and sex related aspects of a region’s population.
  • The rate of population growth is now declining; but the population is still growing.
  • Life expectancy in India was around 41 years in 1960 but now it has increased and it will continue to increase in future.
  • The rate of growth of population has reduced considerably in Brazil but this is not the condition in India.