sex - biological characteristics that you are born with. it is determined by chromosomes either XY for male and XX female
gender - the social and cultural attributes associated with being male or female, including the roles and behaviours that are associated with each gender
typical gender - how we're expected to act, speak, dress and conduct ourselves based upon our assigned sex
atypical gender - gender that is not typical for the society in which they live
femininity - the quality of being a woman, especially in relation to the qualities of a woman
masculinity - the quality of being a man, especially as distinguished from femininity
non-binary - a person who does not identify with the gender binary, or who does not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth
gender expression - how a person presents themselves to the world, including their clothing, hairstyle, and body language
transgender - a person whose gender identity is different from the sex they were assigned at birth
transexual - a person who desires to or who has modified their body to transition from one gender or sex to another through the use of medical technologies such as hormones or surgeries
agender - a person who does not identify with a gender, or who does not identify with a particular gender
cisgender - a person whose gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth
gender fluid - a person who is not exclusively male or female, but who identifies with both genders
androgyny - the idea that a person is neither male nor female, but a combination of both
gender dysphoria - a person's gender identity does not match their biological sex
gender schema theory - gender is learned through socialisation and is a product of the interaction between biological and social factors
gender schematic - you hold a firm strong schema about what it means to be male or female
gender a schematic - that you are not assigned a gender role
alpha bias - the tendency to exaggerate differences. might have a strong belief about what's male and female