Absolute Pressure is pressure above absolute zero.
Archimedes Principle states that Anybody immersed in a fluid is subjected to an upward force called buoyant force equal to the weight of the displaced fluid.
Atmospheric pressure is the pressure at any one point on the earth surface from the weight of the air above it.
Over consolidated soil is a soil whose present effective overburden pressure is less than that which the soil experienced in the past.
Intergranular Stress is stress resulting from particle to particle contact of soil.
Consistency is used to describe the degree of firmness of soil.
Foundation is a structure which transmits the building load to the underlying soil.
Flow Line is a line along which a water particle will travel from upstream to the down stream side in the permeable soil medium.
Ultimate net bearing capacity is the maximum pressure that the soil can support above its current.
Venturi Meter is an instrument used in measuring the discharge through pipes.
Equipotential line is a line along which the potential head at all points is equal.
Allowable bearing capacity or safebearingcapacity is the working pressure that would ensure a margin of safety against collapse of the structure from shear failure.
Active earth pressure coefficient is the ratio between lateral and vertical principal effective stresses when an earth retaining structure moves away from a retained soil.
Liquefaction is a process by which water saturated soil sediment temporarily loss strength and stiffness and acts as a fluid. Due to earthquake shaking or other rapid loading.
Total Stress is the sum of effective and neutral stresses.
Cohesion is the component of shearstrength of a rock or soil that is due to interparticle friction.
Retaining wall is a structure whose primary purpose is to prevent lateral movement of earth or some material.
Geotechnical Engineering is the branch of engineering that deals with the study of the behavior of earth materials.
Embedment depth (D) is the depth below the ground surface where the base of the foundation rests.
Pore water pressure is stress induced by water pressures.
Footings consist of a small slab for transmitting the building load to the underlying soil.
Flow Net is a combination of a number of flow line and equipotential line.
Factor of safety is the ratio of the ultimate net bearing to the allowable bearing capacity or to the applied maximum vertical stress.
Shear is soil derives its strength from its capacity to resist.
Shallow foundation is one in which the ratio of the embedment depth to the minimum plan dimension, which is usually the width, is Di/ B 52.5.
Passive earth pressure coefficient is the ratio between lateral and vertical principal effective stresses when an earth retaining structure is forced against a soil mass.
Overburden pressure is the pressure (effective stress) of the soil removed fraction of the soil.
Ultimate bearing capacity is the maximum pressure that the soil can support.
Hydraulic gradient is a line joining the points of highest elevation of water of a series of vertical open pipes rising from a pipeline in which water flows under pressure.
Turbulent flow is when the path of individual particles are irregular and continuously cross each other.
Metacentric height is the distance from the metacenter to the center gravity of the body.
Weir are overflow structures which are built across an open channel for the purpose of measuring the flow rate.
Hydraulic grade line is a graphical presentation of the total energy of flow.
Turbine extracts flowenergy to do mechanical work which in turn is converted into electrical energy for turbines.
Major head loss is caused by pipe friction along straight sections of pipe of uniform diameter and uniform roughness.
Power is the rate of work done per unit of time.
Bernoulli principle states that in any stream flowing steadily without friction, the total energy contained is the same at every point in its path of flow.
Metacenter is the point of intersection between the vertical axis of the body and the line of action of the buoyant force.
Hydrodynamics deals with the study of the motion of liquid and of the interactions of the fluid with its boundaries.
An embankment dam is a gravity dam formed out of loose rock, earth, or a combination of these materials.