01. Embryology

Cards (28)

  • once released, the egg is only viable for a maximum of 24 hours
  • the potential for dizygotic twins occurs once the egg is released from the follicle and captured on the ends of the fallopian tube
  • two pronuclei come together after fertilisation to form the diploid zygote
  • sperm contributes the centriole as well as genetic material. This centriole organises the mitotic spindle that draws two nuclei together for DNA recombination
  • the oocyte contributes mitochondria as well as genetic material
  • the zona pellucida is the glycoprotein coat around the outside of egg, and this is where the sperm binds to. Fusion leads to a cortical reaction to block polyspermy.
  • When the fertilised egg begins to divide this where the potential of monozygotic twins occurs. This occurs most commonly at the blastocyst stage.
    • if this occurs post implantation this forms conjoined twins.
  • the fertilised egg eventually forms a morula and then enters the uterus. This is where the blastocyst forms and implants into the uterus.
  • compaction = where the blastocyst loses totipotency. Polarity occurs resulting in the formation of the inner and outer cell mass.
  • the inner cell mass is the cells that form the embryo
  • the outer cell mass is the trophectoderm, forming the placenta.
    • outer cell mass pumps in fluid forming a blastocoel within the blastocyst.
  • trophoblast cells differentiate to invade the epithelium.
    • syncytiotrophoblast = external layer without intercellular boundaries, forming a syncytium. Invades into the endometrium.
    • cytotrophoblast = irregular level of ovoid mononucleated cells that lies directly below the syncytiotrophoblasts
  • gastrulation = go from being bilaminar to trilaminar, indicated by the appearance of a primitive streak and a primitive node.
    • occurs at around 15 days.
    • cells of the epiblast migrate towards the primitive streak and slip underneath it.
    • cells left in the epiblast form the ectoderm
    • cell migrating in between the epiblast and hypoblast form the mesoderm.
    • cells displacing the hypoblast form the endoderm.
  • gastrulation is controlled by FGF8 which is synthesised by primitive streak cells.
    • downregulates E-cadherin which allows cells to become motile.
    • regulates BRACHYURY which allows epiblast cells to turn into mesoderms.
  • the notochord will eventually form the spinal cord
  • notochord formation occurs in a cranial to caudal sequence
  • the notochord is an important site of signal secretion for nervous system development.
  • NODAL maintains the primitive streak (produced by the primitive node) - regulates genes including:
    • BMP4 - stimulates formation of skin from ectoderm.
    • chordin, noggin - block BMP4 in some regions, nervous and cranial formation.
    • goosecoid/GSC - stimulates production of Cerberus which is important for head development.
  • at 18 days the embryo has a distinctive notochordal plate and narrowing of the caudal end
  • proliferation of cells from the primitive node forms a cord of cells in the median plan until it forms the prechordal platefollowed by notochordal-endodermal fusion
    • pinches off to form the definitive notochord within the mesoderm
  • at 19 days the neural plate forms at the cranial end of the embryo, this folds over at day 20 to encapsulate the brain.
    • there is also emergence of somites from the mesoderm, these fuse later on at the fifth somite, then fusing upwards cranially and caudally
    • leads to encapsulation of the spinal cord
  • neuropores form at the top and bottom of the embryo, these close at day 28
    • at day 28 there is emergence of other organs, the umbilical cord and heart bulge
  • the notochord communicates with floor plates of the neural groove to release sonic hedgehog, this patterns the ventral neural tube
  • from the roof cells there is release of BMPs which pattern the dorsal neural tube
    • chordin and noggin block BMP4, allowing the nervous system and cranial structures to form
  • neural crest cells express MSK1/2 and snail2, these migrate away and interact with the cells from the mesoderm and ectoderm
  • the first phase of differentiation of somites is segmentation. These segmented blocks of somites progressively appear from the anterior end.
  • somites give rise to dermatome (dermis), sclerotome (muscle) and myotome (tendons, cartilage and bones)
  • mesoderm:
    • paraxial mesoderm = somite formation
    • intermediate mesoderm = urogenital system
    • lateral plate mesoderm = visceral mesoderm (wall of gut tube) and parietal mesoderm (dermis of body wall, limbs, bones and connective tissue)