Cards (83)

  • Revolutionary movements and reform movements are often described as organized and advocacy-based.
  • Social Phenomena refer to any observable pattern of behavior, thought, or action that occurs within a society or group of people.
  • Examples of Social Phenomena include Bayanihan, Community Quarantine, Inflation, Fashion, Unemployment, and Political Dynasty.
  • COVID-19 is a social phenomena that has led to changes in how people work, communicate, and socialize, affecting social structures, healthcare systems, and economies globally.
  • Society constitutes a fairly large number of people who are living in the same territory, are relatively independent of people outside their area, and participate in a common culture.
  • Culture refers to the total lifestyle of people including all ideas, values, knowledge, behaviors and material objects that every member shares.
  • Politics refers to the use of power to determine whose values will predominate, how rewards and resources will be allocated and the manner in which conflicting interest in society will be resolved.
  • Social Science deals with the study of the different aspects of society.
  • Under social science are different branches (commonly coined as disciplines) such as Anthropology, Economics, Geography, Psychology, Political Science, Sociology, and Linguistics.
  • Sociology is the scientific study of the society which necessarily entails the study of all human activities in the society.
  • Anthropology is the scientific study of human beings and their humanity through the examination of a people’s biological and cultural background.
  • Socialization or enculturation is the lifelong process of learning culture through interaction with others.
  • Socialization/ Enculturation makes individuals adapt to their social environment through adjustments and immersing oneself in society.
  • Social Psychology suggests that behavior can be acquired through nurture.
  • Status is the position of an individual in society.
  • Socialization/ Enculturation teaches individuals what values must be upheld.
  • Role refers to the obligations and expected behavior with respect to given status of an individual.
  • Crowd Behavior is a type of collective behavior that is exhibited by the crowd and is often described as impulsive and based on high emotion.
  • Social movement is a type of collective behavior that is done by groups that are for change.
  • The genetic composition includes information that describes characteristics of an individual, including behavior.
  • Mass behavior is a type of collective behavior that is present among masses and is often described as having weak coordination.
  • Socialization/ Enculturation tells individuals what behavior must be observed to avoid chaos in society.
  • Agents of socialization include family, school, peer groups, church, workplace, and media.
  • Collective Behavior is the emergence of behavior by a group of people.
  • Sociobiology suggests that behavior can be acquired through nature.
  • Behavior is both determined by nature and nurture.
  • Via socialization, individuals learn how to develop self, including behavior of the self.
  • Cultural relativism is the idea that we should understand and judge a culture based on its own beliefs and values, without using our own cultural standards.
  • Taboos are 'negative norms' - things that people find offensive and socially inappropriate if you are caught doing them.
  • Xenocentrism is the perception that one’s own culture is comparatively inferior to others and products, styles or ideas of foreigners are better than their own.
  • Examples of laws include the Data Privacy Act.
  • Culture uses symbols to establish shared meaning and can be learned by an individual in his/her society by getting together with them.
  • Mores are moral norms that come from 'morality' and if broken, society will consider you to be immoral.
  • Culture can be absorbed from others and can also be passed to other individuals.
  • Laws are norms that are actually defined as being legal or illegal and if found to have broken the law, you could be fined or even go to jail.
  • Culture affects the physical characteristics of individuals and changes over time.
  • Aspects of culture include the symbolic, learned, shared influences and the biological process.
  • Counter-culture is a social movement that goes against mainstream culture and people in counter-culture reject or challenge the usual ways of thinking and living.
  • Ethnocentrism is the perception and assumption through comparison that one’s own culture is far more advanced or superior to another.
  • Some mores are illegal, making them also laws, while others are not.