Amodt- glossary

Cards (225)

  • 360-degree feedback is a performance appraisal system in which feedback is obtained from multiple sources such as supervisors, subordinates, and peers.
  • A worrier is a person who always thinks the worst is going to happen.
  • Work teams are groups of employees who manage themselves, assign jobs, plan and schedule work, make work-related decisions, and solve work-related problems.
  • Ability is a basic capacity for performing a wide range of different tasks, acquiring knowledge, or developing a skill.
  • Absolute amount is the actual salary paid for a particular job.
  • Acceptance stage is the fourth and final stage of emotional reaction to downsizing, in which employees accept that layoffs will occur and are ready to take steps to secure their future.
  • Accommodating style is the conflict style of a person who tends to respond to conflict by giving in to the other person.
  • Achievement-oriented style is a leadership style in which the leader sets challenging goals and rewards achievement, according to path–goal theory.
  • Adaptation is the fourth stage of change, in which employees try to adapt to new policies and procedures.
  • Additive tasks are tasks for which the group’s performance is equal to the sum of the performances of each individual group member.
  • Adverse impact is an employment practice that results in members of a protected class being negatively affected at a higher rate than members of the majority class, usually determined by the four-fifths rule.
  • AET is an ergonomic job analysis method developed in Germany (Arbeitswissenschaftliches Erhebungsverfahren zur Tätigkeitsanalyse).
  • Affect is feelings or emotion.
  • Affective commitment is the extent to which an employee wants to remain with an organization and cares about the organization.
  • Affective identity motivation is the motivation to lead as a result of a desire to be in charge and lead others.
  • Affiliation style is a leadership style in which the individual leads by caring about others and is most effective in a climate of anxiety.
  • Affirmative action is the process of ensuring proportional representation of employees based on variables such as race and sex, with strategies including intentional recruitment of minority applicants, identification and removal of employment practices working against minority applicants and employees, and preferential hiring and promotion of minorities.
  • Corresponding effects is an event that affects one member of a group will affect the other group members.
  • Biodata: A method of selection involving application blanks that contain questions that research has shown will predict job performance
  • Burnout: The psychological state of being overwhelmed with stress
  • Cost per qualified applicant is the amount of money spent on a recruitment campaign divided by the number of qualified people that subsequently apply for jobs as a result of the recruitment campaign.
  • Empathic listening is the listening style of a person who cares primarily about the feelings of the speaker.
  • Blog: A website in which the host regularly posts com- mentaries on a topic that readers can respond to
  • Cover letter is a letter that accompanies a résumé or job application.
  • Empowerment chart is a chart made for each employee that shows what level of input the employee has for each task.
  • Averaging versus adding model: A model proposed by Anderson that postulates that our impressions are based more on the average value of each impression than on the sum of the values for each impression
  • Consideration is the degree to which leaders act in a warm and supportive manner toward their subordinates.
  • Expertise is the amount of knowledge or skill possessed by a leader.
  • Blind box ads: Recruitment ads that instruct applicants to send their résumé to a box at the newspaper; neither the name nor the address of the company is provided
  • Contamination is the condition in which a criterion score is affected by things other than those under the control of the employee.
  • Brainstorming: A technique in which ideas are generated by people in a group setting
  • Escape is a response to communication overload in which the employee leaves the organization to reduce the stress.
  • Baseline: The level of productivity before the implemen- tation of a gainsharing plan
  • Crisis is a critical time or climate for an organization in which the outcome to a decision has extreme consequences.
  • Attractiveness: The extent to which a leader is appealing to look at
  • Core hours are the hours in a flextime schedule during which every employee must work.
  • Business communication: The transmission of business- related information
  • Equity theory is a theory of job satisfaction stating that employees will be satisfied if their ratio of effort to reward is similar to that of other employees.
  • Convenience sample is a nonrandom research sample that is used because it is easily available.
  • Binding arbitration: A method of resolving conflicts in which a neutral third party is asked to choose which side is correct and in which neither party is allowed to appeal the decision