Hemodynamics & Blood

Cards (95)

  • Distribution of cardiac output
    • heart rate
    • stroke volume
    • pressure difference
    • resistance to blood flow
  • stroke volume is dependent on preload, afterload, and contractility
  • pressure difference
    • drives the movement or flow of blood
    • greater the pressure difference, greater the blood flow
  • Blood Pressure
    • pressure (force) exerted by the blood on the walls of a vessel
    • hydrostatic pressure
    • blood volume decreases > 10%, BP drops
    • water retention increases BP
    • mostly generated by ventricular contraction
  • water makes up 90% of the blood
  • there is an inverse relationship between cross-sectional area and velocity when it comes to blood pressure
    • as we get deeper in the system, the vessels get smaller, which impacts resistance & decreases velocity
    • the slowing down of blood in this region allows for the exchange of oxygen and removal of CO2
  • blood pressure falls steadily in systemic circulation with distance from left ventricle
    • 35 mmHg entering the capillaries
    • 0 mmHg entering the right atrium
  • blood pressure is high at the aorta - highest pressure in our system
    • pressure wave is generated from the stretch and recoil of the aorta
    • pressure fluctuates at the start of systemic circulation
  • peak pressure is at systolic pressure
  • diastolic pressure = when the ventricles are at the relaxation phase
  • when taking a BP measurement, after the cuff is released, the first disappearance of the turbulence sounds = Diastolic pressure
  • BP measurement = systolic / diastolic = 120 / 80
  • Pulse pressure is the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure
  • pulse pressure is an indicator of how well your heart can pump blood
  • Mean Arterial Blood Pressure
    • average pressure during entire cardiac cycle
    • system is designed to maintain mean ABP
  • Pulse Pressure = systolic BP – diastolic BP
  • Mean ABP = Diastolic + 1/3(Pulse Pressure)
    Mean ABP = Cardiac Output x Total Peripheral Resistance
    Mean ABP = HR x SV x TPR
  • Pulse Points
    1. common carotid
    2. brachial artery
    3. radial artery
    4. femoral artery
    5. popliteal artery
    6. dorsalis pedis artery
  • the dorsals pedis helps indicate the level of perfusion and if there are any issues with pulse pressure
  • Factors affecting BP
    • cardiac output (HR, SV)
    • blood volume (blood loss, H2O retention)
    • peripheral vascular resistance
  • pressure = flow x resistance
  • flow = pressure / resistance
  • Vascular Resistance
    • friction between blood and the vessel walls
    • blood vessel radius
    • blood viscosity (thickness)
    • blood vessel length
    • arterioles control BP by changing diameter
    • vasoconstriction and dilation
    • systemic vascular resistance (SVR)
    • total peripheral resistance
  • Endothelial wall helps create laminar flow
  • blood viscosity is dependent on proteins and RBCs present
  • Regulation of BP
    • neural
    • short term
    • baroreceptor reflexes
    • chemoreceptor reflexes
    • Hormonal
    • Short term:
    • released from adrenal medulla
    • epi and norepi
    • Long term:
    • works hours to days to restore ABP
    • renin-angiotensin-aldosterone (RAA) system
    • antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
    • atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)
  • Baroreceptors
    • located on carotid region and arch of aorta
    • sense changes in stretch, alter their signals to the CN to the medulla oblongata, to the spinal cord, which cause stimulation
  • Chemoreceptors
    • sense changes in chemical composition
    • O2, CO2, H+ (acidosis)
    • signal to medulla oblongata, spinal cord
  • syncope (fainting) when standing quickly = orthostatic hypotension
  • Regulation of BP by catecholamines
    • suprarenal
    • increase in sympathetic stimulation
    • increase in epi and norepi
    • increase heart rate and force of contraction
    • vasoconstriction: skin, abdominal organs
    • want the blood to go towards areas that need it and away from places like skin, liver, and spleen
    • vasodilation: cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle
    • ramping up our system for fight or flight
  • Angiotensin II both constricts vessels and causes aldosterone secretion
  • Regulation of BP by ADH (vasopressin)
    • want to drive the pressure back up
    • antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
    • released from posterior pituitary
    • in response to dehydration/decreased blood volume
    • actions:
    • increased renal water retention
    • systemic vasoconstriction
  • Regulation of BP by ANP
    • reduced pressure
    • atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)
    • released from cells in the right atrium
    • in response to atrial distention
    • too much volume and too much stress, ANP is released
    • actions:
    • increased renal loss of salt and water
    • increased systemic vasodilation
    • reduce systemic vascular resistance
    • decrease blood flow
    • decrease pressure
  • What determines oxygen delivery?
    1. blood pressure
    2. systemic vascular resistance
    3. cardiac output
    4. stroke volume
    5. oxygen content
  • Blood pressure = CO x SVR
  • Systemic vascular resistance = (viscosity x length) / radius ^4
  • Cardiac output = SV x HR
  • stroke volume = preload, afterload, contractility
  • oxygen content = partial pressure of oxygen, [hemoglobin]
  • What increased O2 demand?
    • increased basal metabolic rate
    • infection/fever
    • increased work of organs (heart & lungs)
    • agitation or pain
    What about the heart?

    Increased workload (SNS, increased preload / afterload, physical activity, stress. etc)