LAW does NOT APPLY to an artificial orbiting satellite.
GNSS system provides a position fix with accuracy up to within one meter.
GPS orbits the earth in 12 hours.
Frequencies transmitted in the navigation satellites are 1227 MHz and 1575 MHz.
Geodesy is a science concern with the exact positioning of the points on the earth’s surface.
The distance from the earth to the satellite moves in its orbit is 26,560 km.
Automatic Identification System (AIS) transmits the vessel’s static data, such as every 6 minutes and on request.
AIS system is composed of, land & sea based AIS Data Transfer Network Transmitters.
AIS modes operating modes allows data transfer occurs in response to integration from a ship or competent authority, such as autonomous & continuous.
Type of vessels does AIS type A is NOT applicable or mandatory to be carried onboard, for vesselsengageindomestic trade.
AIS transponders automatically broadcast information such as their POSITION, SPEED & NAVIGATIONAL STATUS, at regular intervals that built into the transponder. VHFTRANSMITTER
AIS information is used in collision avoidance for water transport, such as marine radar.
Electronic Depth finder operates on the principles that soundwavestravelat a constantspeedthroughwater.
Frequency measurement is used in a Doppler log.
Acoustic energy is the energy transmitted perpendicularly from the transducer to the seabed.
The velocity of the sound waves in seawater is 1,500m/sec.
100 short pulses / minute is the rate of the short pulses of sound vibrations periodically produces by Echo-Sounder.
Gain should be adjusted in order to record the clearest echo lines on the echo sounder.
Density due to different temperature layers and air bubbles are two errors that affects the Doppler log.
Echo Sounder reading is applied to determine the depth of the water, by adding the DRAFToftheVessel.
Compass Course is found by applying the compass error, in terms of variation and deviation ].
NOT continuously transmitted by AIS equipped ships.
What is GEODESY?
- Scienceconcernwith the exact positioning of the pointsontheearth’s surface.
Combining Variation and Deviation results in Magnetic Compass Error.
The course in which a ship wants to make good is referred to as True Course.
Gyrocompass error is expressed in degrees of E or W.
Navigational equipment that is based on a fast-spinning disc and rotation of the earth is known as Gyrocompass.
When a ship requires magnetism, it is indicated by the term Induced Magnetism.
A piece of metal will be magnetized when in regions of concentrated magnetism, this is referred to as a Pole.
Defined as reflection right or left of the magnetic meridian caused by magnetic properties of the vessel, Deviation is a term in navigation.
Magnetic Heading is greater than the compass heading, this is referred to as East.
Not causing variable deviation of electrical if placed too close to the compass, Magnetic Cargo is a term in navigation.
When the Variation is not constant, it is different with every change in geographical location, this is referred to as Geographical Location.