
Cards (50)

  • Propagation does the hyperbola in the LORAN CHART based.

    ground wave
  • Ground waves are corrected in NM using 162,000 nm.
  • LORAN-C receiver identifies a station by sending unique details, such as by the pulse it transmits.
  • The LOCUS of POINTS having the same TIME DIFFERENCE from a specific master secondary pair form a Line of Position (LOP).
  • The frequency of LORAN-C is 100 khz.
  • The “NOMINAL GROUND WAVE RANGE” is considered to be 1,2001,500 miles.
  • Satellite navigation is a navigation system that fully exploits the doppler effect to accurately determine a position.
  • Satellites orbit is geostationary and follows the earth’s curvature.

    LAW does NOT APPLY to an artificial orbiting satellite.
  • GNSS system provides a position fix with accuracy up to within one meter.
  • GPS orbits the earth in 12 hours.
  • Frequencies transmitted in the navigation satellites are 1227 MHz and 1575 MHz.
  • Geodesy is a science concern with the exact positioning of the points on the earth’s surface.
  • The distance from the earth to the satellite moves in its orbit is 26,560 km.
  • Automatic Identification System (AIS) transmits the vessel’s static data, such as every 6 minutes and on request.
  • AIS system is composed of, land & sea based AIS Data Transfer Network Transmitters.
  • AIS modes operating modes allows data transfer occurs in response to integration from a ship or competent authority, such as autonomous & continuous.
  • Type of vessels does AIS type A is NOT applicable or mandatory to be carried onboard, for vessels engage in domestic trade.
  • AIS transponders automatically broadcast information such as their POSITION, SPEED & NAVIGATIONAL STATUS, at regular intervals that built into the transponder. VHF TRANSMITTER
  • AIS information is used in collision avoidance for water transport, such as marine radar.
  • Electronic Depth finder operates on the principles that sound waves travel at a constant speed through water.
  • Frequency measurement is used in a Doppler log.
  • Acoustic energy is the energy transmitted perpendicularly from the transducer to the seabed.
  • The velocity of the sound waves in seawater is 1,500 m/sec.
  • 100 short pulses / minute is the rate of the short pulses of sound vibrations periodically produces by Echo-Sounder.
  • Gain should be adjusted in order to record the clearest echo lines on the echo sounder.
  • Density due to different temperature layers and air bubbles are two errors that affects the Doppler log.
  • Echo Sounder reading is applied to determine the depth of the water, by adding the DRAFT of the Vessel.
  • Compass Course is found by applying the compass error, in terms of variation and deviation ].
  • NOT continuously transmitted by AIS equipped ships.
  • What is GEODESY?
    -        Science concern with the exact positioning of the points on the earth’s surface.
  • Combining Variation and Deviation results in Magnetic Compass Error.
  • The course in which a ship wants to make good is referred to as True Course.
  • Gyrocompass error is expressed in degrees of E or W.
  • Navigational equipment that is based on a fast-spinning disc and rotation of the earth is known as Gyrocompass.
  • When a ship requires magnetism, it is indicated by the term Induced Magnetism.
  • A piece of metal will be magnetized when in regions of concentrated magnetism, this is referred to as a Pole.
  • Defined as reflection right or left of the magnetic meridian caused by magnetic properties of the vessel, Deviation is a term in navigation.
  • Magnetic Heading is greater than the compass heading, this is referred to as East.
  • Not causing variable deviation of electrical if placed too close to the compass, Magnetic Cargo is a term in navigation.
  • When the Variation is not constant, it is different with every change in geographical location, this is referred to as Geographical Location.