Cards (15)

  • CALAMITY refers to a situation associated with catastrophic events
  • DISASTERS are progressive or sudden events caused by natural or human-induced hazards that result in losses and sufferings
  • DISASTERCONTROL involves limiting the effect of disasters through measures designed to prepare inhabitants before, during, and after a disaster
  • FLOOD is a state when water overflows from natural waterways due to heavy rainfall
  • HAZARDS are natural or man-induced phenomena or activities
  • NATIONALDISASTERCOORDINATINGCOUNCIL is the highest government body responsible for advising the President on disaster preparedness and relief efforts at the national level
  • POLLUTION refers to the discharge of liquid, solid substances, or gases into land, soil, waters, atmosphere, air, or space
  • RADIOACTIVEFALL-OUT consists of dust particles of Earth and debris with radioactive materials drawn up into mushroom clouds
  • REHABILITATION involves restoring a person's economic dependency to a stable living physically, economically, socially, or emotionally
  • RELIEF includes actions taken to alleviate the condition of those suffering from the effects of a calamity or disaster
  • RISKS refer to the degree or chance that hazards will affect people and communities
  • SPACEDEBRIS are remains of artificial satellites and components falling back to Earth
  • STATEOFCALAMITY is declared by the President in the event of widespread destruction to property and lives due to destructive forces of nature and emergencies
  • VOLCANICERUPTION involves ejection of volcanic materials like molten lava, rock fragments, ashes, lahar flow, steam, and gases through fissures
  • VULNERABILITY is the level of susceptibility or resiliency of people and communities