EL 110

Cards (25)

  • Literature is a faithful reproduction of man's manifold experiences blended into one harmonious expression
  • Literature reflects man's society, culture, history, philosophy, thoughts, ideas, dreams, aspirations, and emotions
  • Webster defines literature as anything printed related to the ideas and feelings of people, whether true or a product of imagination
  • True literature is a piece of written work that is undying and expresses the feelings and emotions of people in response to everyday efforts to live, be happy, and reach the Creator
  • Literature is a record of man's significant experiences
  • Literature can be categorized into fiction and non-fiction
  • Fiction:
    • Product of man's creative imagination
    • Not based on history and facts
    • Generally open for interpretation
    • Narrative expression
    • Writers assume responsibility for the truth or accuracy of events, people, or information presented
  • Non-Fiction:
    • Subjective and objective
    • Based on truths and history
    • Specific factual assertions and descriptions may or may not be accurate
    • Writers assume responsibility for the truth or accuracy of events, people, or information presented
  • Literature can be written in prose or poetry
  • Prose:
    • A form of language with no formal metrical structure
    • Applies a natural flow of speech and ordinary grammatical structure
    • A communicative style that sounds natural and uses grammatical structure
  • Poetry:
    • Uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language to evoke meanings
    • Uses different literary devices to convey meaning and structure
  • Prose literature includes novels, short stories, anecdotes, myths, legends, fables, fairy tales, folklores, letters, editorials, articles, essays, and journals
  • Additional terms in literature include Chapter Zero, In media res, Stream of Consciousness, and Poetic license
  • Non-Fiction literature includes biography, autobiography, letters, editorials, articles, essays, journals, and diaries
  • Freewriting is another technique that can be used during the pre-writing stage, where one writes continuously for a set amount of time without stopping to think about grammar, punctuation, or spelling.
  • Brainstorming involves generating ideas without judgment or criticism.
  • The first step to writing is brainstorming.
  • Brainstorming involves generating as many ideas as possible related to a specific topic or question, often using mind maps or other visual tools to organize thoughts.
  • The purpose of freewriting is to generate ideas quickly and freely without self-censorship or judgment.
  • Brainstorming involves generating as many ideas as possible related to a specific topic or question, often using mind maps or other visual tools to organize thoughts.
  • Outlining involves creating a structured plan for organizing ideas and information within a piece of writing, typically including an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
  • Outline helps organize thoughts and arguments into a logical sequence.
  • Brainstorming involves generating as many ideas as possible related to a specific topic or question, often using mind maps or other visual tools to organize thoughts.
  • Writers need to have a clear understanding of their audience's needs and expectations.
  • Outline helps organize thoughts and arguments into a logical sequence.