KIN 349

Cards (75)

  • Physical Activity is any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscle
  • Exercise is a type of physical activity that is planned, structured, and repetitive body movements with intention to improve
  • Physical fitness is a set of attributes or characteristics individuals have, achieve, that relate to their ability to perform PA and ADLs
  • Cardiorespiratory Endurance is the ability of circulatory/respiratory system to supply O2 during sustained physical activity
  • Body Composition is the relative amounts of fat, muscle, bone, organs and body parts
  • Muscular strength is the ability of muscle to exert force
  • Muscular endurance is the ability of the muscle to continue to perform without fatigue
  • Flexibility is the range of motion available at a joint
  • Agility is the ability to change position of body in space with speed and accuracy
  • Coordination is the ability to use the senses
  • Balance is the maintenance of equilibrium while stationary or moving
  • Power is the ability at which one can perform work
  • Reaction time is the time between stimulus and beginning of reaction
  • Speed is the ability to perform a movement within a short period of time
  • 31% of adults are globally inactive
    50% adults in US meet aerobic guidelines
    20% meet both aerobic and strength guidelines
    32% of children are obese
  • Sedentary behavior characterized by prolonged sitting can cause glucose and insulin problems, lipid metabolism, and vascular function problems
  • Sedentary behavior can cause diabetes, heart disease, cancer, CVD
  • High levels of moder-to-vigorous PA can eliminate mortality risk that is associated with sedentary behavior
  • Risks of physical activity include musculoskeletal injury, adverse cardiac event, sudden cardiac death
  • Adults should move more sit less
    Adults need 150-300 minutes of moderate intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous per week
    Adults should engage in 300 minutes of MPA per week
    Adults should do muscle strengthening activities two days or more per week
  • Health Benefits of Improving muscular fitness include: Lower risk of all-cause mortality, fewer CVD events, lower risk of developing physical function limitations and lower risk of nonfatal disease
  • Prevention of Exercise-related cardiac events include: Workers should know pathologic conditions associated, Preparticipation screenings, and Trained in managing cardiac emergencies
  • Benefits of PA: Improved cardio and respiratory functions, Reduction in CVD risk factors, and Decreased morbidity and mortality
  • The order for Preexercise Evaluation is Informed consent, exercise preparticipation health-screening, health history, and cardiovascular risk factor analysis
  • Instructions for Preexercise Evaluation is No food, alcohol, caffeine, Rested, Clothing that allows for movement, Have someone accompanying them, bring actual medication with dosage, and Be hydrated 
  • informed consent purpose is to make sure the participant knows the purpose and risk associated with screening, assessment, and exercise programs
  • Informed consent form includes Purpose, risks, benefits, questions, confidentiality, freedom of consent, and signatures
  • Health Screening identify those at risk for adverse exercise-related CV events, who should receive medical clearance, and clinically significant diseases 
  • CVD Risks include: Female older than 55 and males older than 45, family history, cigarette smoking, dyslipidemia, sedentary life, obesity, hypertension, and prediabetes
  • Signs or symptoms of CVD is chest pain, shortness of breathe, syncope, and heart murmur
  • The PARQ+ is developed to reduce barriers for exercise and reduces false positive screenings
  • Blood Pressure increase of 20 SBP or 10 DBP increase risk factors and requires lifestyle modifications
  • Common Source of Error for taking BP is cuff size, improper stethoscope placement, background noise, and allowing patient to hold handrails 
  • Signs/ symptoms of CV, metabolic, and renal disease include: Syncope, Shortness of breath, and Pain or discomfort
  • Blood Pressure is Normal <120 Elevated is 120-129, Stage 1 hypertension 130-139, and Stage 2 hypertension >140
  • Non-HDL-C normal is <130
    LDL-C normal is <100
    HDL-C normal is<40 men and <50 women
    Triglycerides normal is <150
  • Why do all of the testing? baseline data, provide data for individualized program, collect follow-up data, and motivate individuals
  • For a fitness test measurements are required first: HR, BP, body comp, height, and weight
  • Anthropometric is the science of body form. Methods include BMI and circumferences
  • Android obesity means more fat on trunk by using hip to waist measurements