meiosis: 2N -> four 1N cells in 2 divisions (M1 and M2)
homologous chromosomes pair in M1
partners of each pair go to opposite poles
in M2, the chromatids of each chromosome go to opposite poles
One Aa, Bb 2N cell gives 1N gametes; They have one allele of each gene so can be AB, Ab, aB, or ab
G1: gap 1; when the cell is growing
S: synthesis; when the genetic information or DNA is duplicated for the next division
G2: a gap between synthesis and mitosis; the chromosomes become condensed, visible, and separate to daughter cells
Eukaryotes cell cycle:
interphase: G1, S, G2
G1 checkpoint checks for:
cell size
growth factors
DNA damage
G2 checkpoint checks for:
cell size
DNA replication
spindle assembly checkpoint checks for:
chromosome attachment to the spindle
P: short arm
Q: long arm
signs mitosis is about to begin:
centriole has already duplicated
poles form
meta: middle
ana: back
telo: end
centrioles: microtubules in the typical 9 sets of 3 arrangement as seen in animal cells
meiosis occurs only in germline cells
meiosis requires two divisions following one round of DNA replication
The critical event that differentiates meiosis from mitosis occurs in prophase of the first division M1, when the homologous chromosomespair "gene-for-gene" throughout the length of the homologs in an event referred to as synapsis.
The pairing and random separation of homologous chromosomes to opposite poles explains why alleles segregate.
incomplete dominance: heterozygous phenotype is intermediate between the homozygous phenotypes
co-dominance: when two alleles are equally dominant and equally recessive
All probability answers must come out between 0 and 1
Dominant genes are represented with capital letters
Recessive genes are represented with lowercase letters
If neither allele is dominant, it's best to use another designation and all genotypes must be defined in the legend
P (A, B, C) (probabilities of independent events) = P(A) x P(B) x P(C)
What is the probability that a Cc, Tt, D'D individual will produce a C, t, D gamete?
What fraction of the children produced by matings between Cc, Tt, D'D parents will have the same phenotype as their parents?
P(C_) = 3/4
P(T_) = 3/4
P(D'D) = 2/3
P (C_, T_, D'D) = 3/8
If two parents have a homozygous recessive child, the trait must be recessive and each parent must be heterozygous
What fraction of the progeny from marriages between Cc, Tt females and Cc, Tt males will be tasters or pigmented?