Social Learning Theory

Cards (9)

  • Mediational Processes
    1. Attention - whether we notice the behaviour
    2. Retention - whether we remember the behaviour
    3. Motor Reproduction - whether we are able to perform the behaviour
    4. Motivation - whether the perceived rewards outweigh the perceived costs
  • Identification
    A desire to be with a person/group of people as they have desirable characteristics
  • Imitation
    Copying behaviour
  • Role Model

    Someone who has similar characteristics to the observer and has a high status
  • A strength of SLT
    It recognises the importance of cognative behaviours
  • A weakness of SLT
    It uses lab studies which have been criticised for there being demand characteristcs
  • Banduras Bobo Doll Research 

    Shows how behaviour is learned through observation -the children watching- of others actions -usually role models for example the adults- and the rewards/punishment they recieve
  • Vicarious Reinforcement
    Increasing the frequency of a behaviour to gain a reward or to avoid a punishment
  • Observational Learning- learning by watching others and imitating their behaviour