Sex refers te categories that people are assigned to at birth based on reproductivecharacteristics.
Intersex is a physiological conditionwhereanorganism has different variations of the physical characteristics compared to a true male or a true female of its kind.
FUNCTIONALIST. It assumed that the traditional nuclear family is a naturalunit and exists to maintain social order and is mutually beneficial to all.
Marxist. It believed that the nuclear family is valued over the typical working-class extendedfamily to encourage material aspirations.
MarxistFeminist. It explained that the nuclearfamily benefits the powerful at the expense of the workingclass, and women's domestic labor enables the future workforce to be raised at little cost to the patriarchal capitalistcommunity.
Gender roles are socialexpectations comprising a range of behaviors and attitudes considered acceptable and appropriate based on the assignedsex.
The term "gender role" was coined by psychologist and authorJohn William Money in his research on how intersex people expressed their being male or being female.
Sex roles refer to the rules and standards of behavior and practices often related to a person's reproductive capacity.
sex role" is often used interchangeably with "gender role" (just like sex and gender are often used interchangeably) but it should be noted that sex and gender are two different terms.
Gender equity means fairness of treatment for women and men, according to their perspective needs.
Gender mainstreaming as a concept was first proposed in 1985
Mainstreaming a gender perspective is the process of assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programmes.
Empowerment means havingcontroloverissues and decisions that affect your life to be given a voice in decision-making bodies and control over the distribution of resources.
Accountability could either be a positivemeansofmotivation such as rewardsystems for specific goals achieved or a lesspositivemotivation.
Integrationofeffort is a highdegree of coordination to ensure that gendermainstreaming is a holisticapproach to transforming structures that create or perpetuate.
Gender violence (also known as gender-based violence or gendered violence) is used to refer to harm done unto a person or groups of people due to their gender.
Includes battering, assault, female genital mutilation, "honour" crimes, and manslaughter
Sexual violence:
Any sexual actperformedwithout consent
Includes rape, sexual assault, sexual trafficking, and sexual exploitation
Psychological violence:
Any actthatcausesharm to the mind and emotions of a person or groups of people
Includes verbal assault, insults, harassment, defamation, coercion, and illegal detention
Economic violence:
Any actthatcausesharmtoanindividual'sproductivity
Examples include property damage, restricting access to financial resources, depriving education, preventing employment, and not complying with economic responsibilities (e.g., child support)
Technology-facilitated gender-based violence:
The use of technology to cause harm to an individual because of their gender
Includes anything related to the Internet, especiallysocialmedia
Sites of gender violence
Stereotypeacceptedjudgment or bias about a person or group.
Stereotypes about gender can causeunfairtreatment because of person'sgender. Significantly, gender stereotypes are beliefs about the characteristics and qualities attributed to men and women in society