Contains the instructions needed for an organism to develop, survive, and reproduce.
DNA is a macromolecule consisting of 2 strands that twists around a common axis in a shape called?
Double Helix
Sugar in DNA
Sugar in RNA
Pyrimidines (1 ring)
Cytosine, Thymine,Uracil
Purines (2 rings)
RNA uses ______ instead of Thymine.
Major working molecules within every organism
They catalyze reactions, transport oxygen and defend organisms from infection; they are the crucial building blocks of organisms
Proteins are expressed from _____
"Instruction manual" for constructimg protein
Process of making protein
Gene Expression
Gene expression has 2 main stages
Transcription and Translation
Identify the start and end of a gene and read the DNA sequence
Permanent alteration in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene
Gene Mutation
Inherited from a parent and are present throughout a person's life in virtually every cell in the body; also called the "Germ Line Mutations"
Hereditary Mutation
Occurs at some time during a person's life and are present only in certain cells
Acquired or Somatic Mutation
Mutations are based on..
Chromosome Structure
Chromose Numbers
Nucleotide Sequence
Chromose structure
Chromose number
Klinefelter Syndrome
Turner Syndrome
Down Syndrome
Point Mutation; replacement of amino and glutamic acid with valine
Sickle Cell Anemia
Purine to Pyrimidine or vice versa
Transverse Mutatiom
Adenine pairs with Thymine
Guanine pairs with Cytosine
The base on each strand are joined to the bases on the other strand with hydrogen bonds, but different bases have different chemical structures.
Genes are the specific sequence of nitrogenous bases that code for particular proteins or regulatory RNA molecules.
mRNA molecules are transcribed later into Proteins.
Proteins are made of large numbers of amino acida joined end to end. The chains fold to three dimension shape.
Ribosome receives the mRNA molecule and starts to build a chain of amino acids thag exactly matches the instructions within the mRNA. Each codon tells the protein making machinery which amino acid to add next.
Joining of a fragmented chromosome to a non humologous chromosome. Moves to a new position.
Breakage of a chromosome in which the genetic material becomes lost during cell diviaion.
Produced when extra copies of genes are generated on a chromosome.
Broken chromosome segment is reversed and inserted back into the chromosome.