Cards (4)

  • P- One strength of social
    learning theory is that
    its principles have been
    applied to a range of
    real-world practical
  • E- Social learning
    principles such as
    imitation and
    reinforcement can
    account for how
    children learn from
    others around them
    including through the
    media, such as video
    games and movies.
  • E- This
    can be seen in cases
    such as the murder of Jamie Bulger. The two
    young boys who
    committed this crime
    were reported to have
    watched scary movies,
    with high levels of
    violence, such as
    Chucky’s Child’s Play.
    This has led to further
    changes in legislation
    through the
    introduction of age
    restrictions on video
    games and films to
    minimise the negative
    effects on young
    children of exposure to
    violent material.
  • L- This is a strength as it
    increases the value of
    the social learning
    approach since it can
    account for real-world