Cards (4)

  • P- A strength of the
    biological approach is
    that it is regarded as
    highly scientific.
  • E- For example; the
    approach makes use
    of a range of precise
    and highly scientific
    methods such as
    fMRIs, EEGs, twin
    studies and drug trials. With advances
    in technology, it is
    possible to accurately
    measure biological
    and neural processes
    in ways that are
    objective i.e. not open
    to bias and are tightly
    controlled allowing
    possible extraneous
    variables to be
    controlled for.
  • E- Furthermore, the
    approach is supported
    by a large amount of
    consistent research,
    which allows for
    accurate predictions
    of behaviour to be
  • L- Overall this is a
    strength of the
    biological approach as
    it is based on reliable
    data, allowing reliable
    conclusions to be
    drawn and provides
    the discipline with
    greater credibility and