Cards (25)

  • is a process of disproportionate growth of systems.
  • is a multidimensional process that generates
    economic, technological, social and institutional change to support wealth of
    nations and a comprehensive wellbeing of people in society.
  • is a process that generates economic, social and technical
    progress of nations.
    Economic development
  • The fundamental elements of development in society are?
    the improvement of
    health, the growth of wealth, the creation of new knowledge and technology
  • is fostered in appropriate social systems with high
    democracy and culture, good economic governance, efficient higher education
    system, and high innovative outputs
    Economic development
  • The goal of economic development in its simplest form is to?
    create the wealth of a nation
  • is measured by an annual increase in gross national product
    Economic performance
  • an alternative measure for economic performance is _______
    gross domestic product
  • is expressed in a common currency ussually in ____
    GNP and US dollars
  • reported in per-capita terms to take into account the size of a nation’s
  • The World Bank now replaces GNP per capita with _______ to compare wealth among countries.
    gross national income per capita
  • The World Bank defines _______ as the sum of value added by all resident producers plus
    any product taxes (less subsidies) not included in the valuation of output plus net
    receipts of primary income (compensation of employees and property income) from
    gross national income
  • the World Bank still uses
    ________ in many other featured economic indicators
  • “To maximize income growth, environmental considerations were left to
    languish on the sidelines; the standard of living was often allowed to
    slide; large inequalities between classes, regions, and genders were
    ignored; and poverty was tolerated more than it should have been in the
    rush to generate maximum growth” ACCORDING TO?
  • During the ________, the concern of millions of people living subsistence lives in
    poverty turned the attention of development economists to _________
    rather than their ______.
    1970 AND people’s lives AND incomes
  • The _____ was the defining macroeconomic
    event of the second half of the twentieth century.
    Great Inflation of the 1970s
  • Over the nearly two decades it lasted, the global
    monetary system established during World War
    II was abandoned, there were four economic
    recessions, two severe energy shortages, and
    the unprecedented peacetime implementation of
    wage and price controls.
    Great Inflation of the 1970s
  • It was, according to one prominent economist,
    “the greatest failure of American
    macroeconomic policy in the postwar period”
    Great Inflation of the 1970s
  • By questioning whether it is the goal of development that per-capita income
    increases but poverty, inequality and unemployment are growing worse,
    HE (1969) marked the change needed in setting development objectives.
  • The goal of _______ during the period was thus not limited to
    economic growth but to concentrate on the reduction of poverty,
    inequality and unemployment
  • HE contributed to shift the development goals set by governments in
    developing countries to wider objectives, including improvements in income distribution,
    environment, health and education.
    “to improve the quality of life.
    Especially, in the world’s poor countries, a better ________ generally calls for higher
    incomes— but it involves much more. It encompasses as ends in themselves better
    education, higher standards of health and nutrition, less poverty, a cleaner environment,
    more equality of opportunity, greater individual freedom, and a richer cultural life.”
    World Bank’s Development Report AND quality of life
  • According to ____ (1985), the ultimate goal of development is to enhance _____, which is defined as “the freedom that a person has in terms of the choice of
    functionings, given his personal features (conversion of characteristics into functionings)
    and his command over commodities…”
    Sen AND human capabilities
  • ________ is necessary but not sufficient in terms of quality of life.
    Higher income
  • Under HIS
    approach, goals of economic development change from promotion of growth to
    promotion of well-being.
    SEN AND growth AND well-being