Cards (26)

  • emerged in the 1990s to explain the poor
    performance of many less developed countries
    Endogenous growth or the new growth theory
  • implemented policies as
    prescribed in neoclassical theories.
    Endogenous growth or the new growth theory
  • considers technological change as an exogenous factor,
    Solow model
  • notes that technological change has not been equal nor has it
    been exogenously transmitted in most developing countries
    new growth model
  • linked the
    technological change to the production of knowledge.
    New growth theorists
  • emphasizes that economic growth results from increasing
    returns to the use of knowledge rather than labour and capital.
    new growth theory
  • The theory argues that the higher rate of returns as expected in the Solow model is
    greatly eroded by lower levels of complementary investments in human capital
    (education), infrastructure, or research and development (R&D)
    new growth theory
  • promote the role of government and public policies in
    complementary investments in human capital formation and the encouragement of
    foreign private investments in knowledge-intensive industries such as computer
    software and telecommunications
    new growth models
  • The foundation of the ______ is the idea that the market may fail
    to achieve coordination among complementary activities.
    theory of coordination failure
  • became influential in the 1990s.
    theory of coordination failure
  • Coordination issues among complementary industries were first raised by
  • THEY emphasized the role of the government to solve the problem.
    Rosenstein Rodan, Nurkse, Hirsch man
  • In order to reach an optimal level of coordination, the policy they recommended was a _____
    big push
  • A public-led massive investment program— which can cause
    complementarities to take place in the rest of the economy.
  • AN ecosystem where the behaviour of one can affect the others’.
  • “A firm’s productivity depends not only on its own efforts, and abilities, and on general
    economic conditions (for example, the macroeconomic environment and the legal
    system), but also on the actions of other firms, infra-structure, regulation and other
    public goods” ACCORDING TO?
  • also indicated that success or failure of an action could depend on its
  • The theory often highlights the problems of market failure that require selective
    government intervention to ensure that several things work well together at the same
    Theory of Coordination Failure OR Contemporary Theories of Economic Development
  • is recommended recently by United Nations Development
    big push
  • suggests that for developing countries to break out of the poverty
    trap, a big push of basic investments between now and 2015 in public administration,
    human capital and key infrastructure is necessary.
    big push
  • The global and industrial society, driven by new technology, is generating economic
    growth rather than a ____ of nations. according to?
    sustainable development and Coccia
  • Scholars assert that one of the main effects of development on environment is
    _________, which started with the Industrial Revolution in Europe and North America,
    driven by technical and economic change of steam engine, internal combustion
    engine, and other new technology
  • The development of nations generates _______ but also a general pollution that has negative consequences on environment, health (e.g., cancers), and food safety in society.
    economic growth
  • The __________ is driven by the expanding content of human life
    interests, using new technology and science advances
    concept of development
  • Human society should focus on _________, rather than
    economic growth, for improving long-run environmental and social factors, and health
    of people.
    patterns of sustainable development
  • ________ is also affected by economic, social, psychological, anthropological, and
    perhaps biological factors that can generate uncertain and unknown long-term effects
    in environment and society