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human capital is also known as?
Physical capital human resources
plays a significant role in determining
economic development.
Physical capital human resources
More _______ makes the human beings more productive through
enhancing their skills, abilities, knowledge and better health enables them not only to participate
in the production process but increase their capabilities to produce more.
Investment in human capital has therefore been called ________
investment in man
plays a
crucial role in the ability of a country to absorb modern technology and to generate the capacity
for self-sustained growth and development.
is also essential for increase in productivity of
labour and, therefore, not only raises the private incomes but also contributes to the growth of
“Both _______ can also be seen as vital components
of growth and development as inputs to the aggregate production function. Their role as both inputs
and output gives BOTH their central importance in economic development.” ACCORDING TO?
health and education
is an intangible asset or quality not listed on a company's balance sheet.
Human capital
It can be
classified as the economic value of a worker's experience and skills.
Human capital
This includes assets like
education, training, intelligence, skills, health, and other things employers value such as loyalty
and punctuality.
Human capital
The concept of _____ recognizes that not all labor is equal.
human capital
is typically managed by an organization's human resources (HR) department.
Human capital
department oversees workforce acquisition, management, and optimization.
human resources (HR) department
Its other directives
include workforce planning and strategy, recruitment, employee training and development, and
reporting and analytics.
human resources (HR) department
is an intangible asset not listed on a company's balance sheet and includes
things like an employee's experience and skills.
Human capital
Since all labor is not considered equal, employers can improve human capital by _______
in the training, education, and benefits of their employees.
is perceived to have a relationship with economic growth, productivity, and
Human capital
Like any other asset, _____ can depreciate through long periods of unemployment,
and the inability to keep up with technology and innovation.
human capital
referred to the
concept in his book "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations,"
Adam Smith
that improving human capital through training and education leads to a more profitable enterprise,
which adds to the collective wealth of society.Its a win for everyone
was a signal of talent and ability. ACCORDING TO?
human capital AND Richard Freeman
In order for a business to really become productive, HE said it
needed to train and motivate its employees as well as invest in capital equipment.
Richard Freeman
Harvard economist
Richard Freeman
His conclusion
was that _______ was not a production factor. ACCORDING TO?
human capital AND Richard Freeman