Cards (78)

  • Martin Heidegger
    Most important philosophers of the 20th century
    His work focused on ontology or the study of 'being' or Dasein in German.
  • Instrumental Definition
    Technology is a means to an end
    Technology is an instrument aimed at getting things done.
  • Anthropological Definition
    - Technology is a human activity
  • Anthropological Definition
    The production or invention of technological equipment, tools and machines, and the products and
    inventions and the purpose and functions they serve are what define technology.
  • Revealing
    means that technological things have their own novel kind of presence, endurance, and connections among parts and wholes
  • revealing
    They have their own way of presenting themselves and the world in which they operate.
  • Heidegger
    stressed that the true can only be pursued through the correct. Simply, what is correct leads to what is true.
  • Heidegger
    envisioned technology as a way of revealing - a mode of bringing forth
  • Bringing forth
    Can be understood through the Ancient Greek philosophical concept "Poiesis" which refers to act of bringing something into unconcealment
  • Poiesis
    which refers to act of bringing something into unconcealment
  • Aletheia
    Unconcealment or disclosure or truth.
  • Technology is a form of poiesis
    way of revealing that unconceals aletheia (truth)
  • In Philosophy, techne
    resembles the term episteme that refers to the human ability to make or perform. It encompasses knowledge and understanding.
  • In Art, techne
    refers to tangible and intangible aspects of life.
  • The Greeks, techne
    the way that it encompasses not only craft but other acts of mind, and poetry.
  • Technology as Poiesis
    The essence of modern technology
    Not a bringing forth
    the activity in which a person brings something into being that did not exist before
    - is etymologically derived from an ancient Greek term which means to make.
  • Modern Technology
    Both primitive crafts and modern technology are revealing
  • Modern Technology
    But the revealing of modern technology is not a bringing forth, but a challenging-forth.
  • Modern Technolog
    It challenges nature, by extracting something from it and transforming it, storing up, distributing it, etc.
  • modern technology
    Unlocks and exposes (Physics sets nature up)
  • Bestand
    standing reserve which is far more than simply reserves that one happiness to have on hand
  • Bestand
    means "stock", "holdings", "assets", or the term
  • The Standing-Reserve
    -Modern technology takes all of nature to stand in reserve for its exploitation
    - Man is challenged to do this, and as such he become a part of the standing reserve
    - Man becomes the instrument of technology, to be exploited in the ordering of nature.
  • The Standing-Reserve
    the world has been framed as well as the standing reserve"
    -is active in the case of a river once it generates electricity or the earth if revealed as a coal mining district or the soil as a mineral deposit.
  • enframing
    The challenge of this revealing is called
    means that way of revealing that holds sway in the essence of modern technology and that it is itself not technological
    is as if nature is put in a box or in a frame so that it can be better understood and controlled according to people's desires
    literally framing
    describes what lies behind or beneath modern technology
  • . Art as a way of Enframing
    Enframing as the mode of revealing in modern technology, tends to block poiesis
  • Causality
    the idea that something can cause another thing to happen or exist
  • Material Cause
    causa materialis
  • Formal Cause
    causa formalis
  • Final Cause
    causa finalis
  • Efficient Cause
    causa efficiens
  • German
    Ursache, Latin, Causa, Greek aition
  • The four Causes:
    Didactic Illustration
  • Silver
    causa materials