Apartheid had been able to defend itself against an increasing number of opponents throughout the 1970s – both internal and external
They had support from Western nations due to the Cold War
Vorster’s election success after the Soweto Uprising indicated sustained support for the regime from whites in South Africa
State of Apartheid regime up to 1978: Not Going Well?
Vorster was forced to resign – Muldergate Scandal
Buffer states were now ruled by blacks (Angola, Mozambique and Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), so they no longer offered protection from other anti-apartheid African countries
Sanction pressure internationally was increasing
Potential internal uprisings were looking more likely as well
4 Threats:
Internal Uprisings
Black population grew faster than white
1/8 population white, 1980, to 1/51950
Despite influx control, over halfblacks lived in towns
MK guerrilla sabotage attacks increased
Angola and Mozambiquewhite ruleend '76, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) '80
No ‘Buffer states’
Hostile neighbours
Support ANC
MK Bases
Support Communists inside
Near Communist invasion risk; Angola
International Sanctions
Sport and art boycott
More sanctions pressure
Foreign business pressured to withdraw investments
South Africa 1978:
PW Botha succeeded Vorster as PM 1978
Determined to maintain white rule in
Despite increasing threats from home and abroad
Called this ‘total onslaught’
Blamed communists (ensure western support)
Realised that he would need to reform apartheid, but with strong and aggressive control
Ironically, extreme white supremacists criticised him for concessions
New Constitution 1983
Complicated new constitution drawn up for South Africa in 1983
Coloureds and Indians allowed to vote for their representatives in their parliaments
178 places in white parliament
85 in Coloured
45 in Indian
Cabinet drawn proportionally from three Parliaments
Blacks excluded
Allowed to vote for local black assemblies
Had some responsibility for local affairs
Ultimately whites remained in control
Used constitution to pose as multiracial
Many people unhappy and did not bother voting
Blacks, Indians and Coloureds boycott new parliament and council elections
New constitution Diagram
A) 4.7
B) 2.6
C) 1.2
D) 20.5
Total onslaught
Story was
Threat to South Africa (and West) by USSR's design
South Africa
Africa's industrial powerhouse
Guardian of sea lanes around Cape of Good Hope
Possessor of enormous mineral wealth
Would enable USSR to hold world ransom
Furthermore, revolutionary forces in South Africa were intent on supporting and fuelling threat
Could there have been a total strategy without total onslaught?
Justification to international community and white South Africans would have been far more difficult