dispositional explanations

    Cards (6)

    • authoritarian personality 
      extreme respect for authority, looks down on lower social statuses, fixed stereotypical views about other groups
      originated from Freuds idea that adult personalities are determined by childhood experiences 
    • Adorno created the f-scale, it measured authoritarian personality
      he studied 2000 middle class white Americans, and their unconscious attitudes towards other ethnic groups 
      he found that people with high authoritarian leanings (those who scored high on f-scale) identified with strong people and were generally contemptuous of the weak, they were conscious of status and showed extreme respect for those of higher status
    • Adorno found a positive correlation between strict upbringing and authoritarian personality traits
      harsh and punitive upbringing, little love, much punishment caused 2 things
      fear of parents which leads to respect of authority
      hatred of parents which leads to hatred and angeR displaced onto others 
    • A limitation is that authoritarianism can’t explain obedient behaviour in the majority of a countries population
      Improve or Germany, millions of individuals displayed, obedient behaviour despite the fact that they must have differed in their personalities, it seems extremely unlikely that they could all possess an authoritarian personality
      An alternative view is that the majority of the German people identified with the anti-semitic Nazi state, a social identity theory approach
      adornos theory is a limited explanations
    • A limitation is the political bias
      The F scale only measures the tendency towards an extreme form of right-wing ideology
      it doesn’t account for obedience across the whole political spectrum. Both extreme right-wing and left-wing and ideologies have a lot in common. They both emphasise the importance of a complete obedience to political authority.
    • One strength is research support
      Milgram and elms interviewed a sample of people who participated in original obedience study and had been fully obedient
      the all completed the f scale, they scored significantly higher in comparison to a disobedient group
      However, when researchers analysed indicuidual subscarels of f-scale, they found participants had unusual characteristics for authoritarian personality, like they didn’t glorify fathers or experience significant punishment
      So authoritarian personality is unlikely to be useful in predicting obedience
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