
Cards (15)

  • Ramadan- is a ninth month in islamic calendar.
  • How do muslims fast?
    • we fast from the sundown to sunset.
    • We call sundown "sahoor" its like our breakfast so we need to eat plenty of healthy foods to help us throughout the day. evert morning we wake up before the fajr prayer then we eat our sahoor.
    • We don't eat and drink anything until sunset. "Sunset" we call it iftar, in this case we eat slow and for the rest of the night we can eat what we all want.
    • shahada- faith
    • Salah- prayer
    • Sawn- fasting
    • Zakat- charity
    • Hajj- pilgrimage
  • Why do muslims fast? Because it teaches us good values. Such as:
    • self control- from anger, foods and temptations.
    • Efficiency- with portion of control and wasting less foods.
    • Dedication- towards prayer and ibadah
    • Sabr- patience
    • Unity- the muslims ummah coming together
    • Empathy- by realizing how less fortunate people feel.
  • Do all muslims fast? No, people who are or has children, travellers, unwell, disability, elderly, expecting nurse or mothers
  • Other preparations during ramadan: reading or reciting Qur'an, charity, pray and taraweeh or special prayer at night
  • Lent- is a 40 days season of prayer, fasting and alms giving that begins on ash wednesday and ends on sundown at holy thursday. It its the period of preparation to celebrate the Lord's resurrection at easter.
    • the celebration of the Lord's passion, death and resurrection.
    • Alms giving- refers to the act of charity or generosity.
    • PROPER Fasting and alms giving hold cultural significant importance as they repleat the spirituality JOURNEY, OF RENEWAL REPENTANCE AND PREPARATION FOR THE CELEBRATION OF EASTER
  • Symbols of lent- violet (repentance, renewal, preparation, humility and suffrring)
    • praying hands- a way to talk to God
    • Pretzel- a dough shape that reminds us to pray
    • Butterfly- transformation to a new life
  • "Abstainance" means abstaining from meats on ash wednesday nd fridays during lent
  • Important practices during lest: prayer
    Alms giving
  • Prayer-conversation with God, prayer is important as it gives us the strength to fast.
    • Christians also pray by reading the bible, doing rosary, going to eucharistic mass.
    • During prayer, we asks God to help us from our lives, thanking Him for all the blessings and specially ask God, for forgiveness for our sins.
  • Fasting- refers to going w/o something, something we've become dependent on, something we think we can't live w/o or something that distracts us from God.
    • there are TWO REQUIRED DAYS of fasting; ash Wednesday and good friday
  • Lent season is a 46 days excluding the sundays
  • Go into the all the world and proclaim the good news to all the creation" Mark 16:15
  • The ascension- "as they were watching, he was lifted up, the cloud took him out of their sight. Acts 1:9