Branch of anatomy that studies tissues using microscopy techniques to discern minute components of various organs in the body
Robert Hooke discovered the cell after examining a piece of cork
Robert Hooke's discovery
Saw tiny pores / compartments that looked similar to cells in a monastery
Coined the term "Cellula"
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek first saw living microscopic organisms (in pond water) and described them as 'animalcules'
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek observed blood of cod and salmon, and first described the nucleus
Caspar Friedrich Wolff described embryonic development in both plants and animals as a process involving layers of cells
Charles-François Brisseau de Mirbel's treatise on Plant Anatomy and Physiology led to his observation that each plant cell is contained in a continuous membrane
Lorenz Oken suggested that all organic beings originate from and consist of vesicles or cells
Jeanne-Baptiste Lamarck stated that no body can have life if its constituent parts are not cellular tissue or are not formed by cellular tissue
Robert Brown verified the constancyoforganelles after examining the cells of orchids, and introduced the term nucleus
Marcello Malpighi described a series of microscopic structures never seen until then
(in biological sense) defined by Marie François Xavier Bichat as the basic building block of the body, derived from the French word 'tissu' meaning 'to weave'
Matthias Schleiden explained the true importance of cells, declaring that the cell is the basic building block of all plant matter
Theodor Schwann stated that cells are organisms and all organisms consist of one or more cells, and that the cell is the basic unit of structure for all organisms
Cell Theory
Cells are organisms and all organisms consist of one or more cells
The cell is the basic unit of structure for all organisms and that plants and animals consist of combinations of these structures
All cells develop only from existing cells (added by Rudolf Virchow in 1855)
JanEvangelistaPurkynje introduced the scientific terms: Plasma, Protoplasm
Rudolf Albertvon Kölliker published the first adequate textbook of histology by modern standards
A small mass of nucleated protoplasm (definition by Max Schultze in 1861)
Term coined by KarlMayer in 1819 to describe 'Tissue Anatomy'
Histology officially recognized as a medical discipline when Camillo Golgi and Santiago Ramon y Cajal were co-awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine for their fundamental histological studies on nerve cells