If a pattern can be discovered, information and data can be arranged and organized in ways that will make it more understandable, meaningful, and useful
This arrangement was based on properties of elements which were found to be repeated regularly through the elements arrange according to increasing atomic number
You will recognize this incredible feature of the periodic table in this module, as you explore its full potential as a source of information about the elements
Mendeleev's and Meyer's arrangements did not last long because more elements were discovered and the atomic masses of some elements were accurately measured, disagreeing with their arrangements
The last revision of the periodic table came from Glenn Seaborg, who discovered plutonium in 1940 and most of the transuranic elements, leading to the repositioning of the actinide and lanthanide series
Mendeleev placed tellurium before iodine despite the fact that tellurium has a greater atomic mass than iodine, because iodine's properties more closely resemble those of fluorine and chlorine
Moseley found that if elements were listed according to increasing atomic number instead of listing atomic mass, columns would contain elements with similar properties