Cards (111)

  • Carbohydrates
    The first nutrients most organisms catabolize for energy
  • Digestion of larger molecules
    1. Digested into component parts
    2. Cell reassembles into macromolecules for energy use
  • Deamination
    1. Amino group (NH2) is removed from amino acid
    2. Amino group is converted to ammonia (NH3)
  • Fate of remaining portion of amino acid
    1. Enters pyruvate oxidation
    2. Enters Kreb's cycle
  • Less ATP is made overall when amino acids are used for energy
  • Lipid metabolism
    1. Triacylglycerol metabolizes to form glycerol + 3 fatty acid chains
    2. Glycerol backbone can turn into glucose (gluconeogenesis) or DHAP
    3. Fatty acids undergo beta-oxidation in mitochondrial matrix
  • Cells possess a limited supply of NAD+
  • If oxygen is not present, NADH cannot be oxidized back to NAD+ and glycolysis will stop
  • Fermentation
    Recycles NAD+ and allows glycolysis to continue when oxygen is unavailable
  • Fermentation is much less efficient at supplying energy than aerobic respiration, but it is still commonly used
  • Different fermentation pathways
    • Ethanol fermentation
    • Lactic acid fermentation
  • Ethanol fermentation
    1. NADH is oxidized and donates its H atoms to acetaldehyde
    2. Acetaldehyde is formed when a CO2 molecule is removed from pyruvate
    3. Forms ethanol (alcohol used in alcoholic beverages)
    4. Recycles NAD+ and allows glycolysis to continue
    5. Produces 2 ATP
  • Yeast
    Used to manufacture baked goods and alcoholic beverages since ancient times
  • Yeast and some bacteria can function in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions
  • Ethanol
    • Small uncharged polar molecule that can diffuse into virtually all cells
    • Interferes with nervous system signalling
    • Can change viscosity of fluid in ear canals, affecting balance
    • Metabolized by enzymes in liver, producing acetaldehyde
  • Lactic acid fermentation
    1. NADH produced in glycolysis is oxidized and transfers its H atoms to pyruvate, regenerating NAD+ and allowing glycolysis to continue
    2. Each pyruvate becomes a lactate molecule (lactic acid)
  • The accumulation of lactate molecules in muscle tissue causes stiffness, soreness, and fatigue
  • Fate of lactic acid
    1. Reoxidized back to pyruvate when vigorous exercise stops and oxygen is available
    2. Transported to liver and converted to glucose and glycogen
  • Oxygen debt
    The extra oxygen required to catabolize lactate to CO2 and H2O
  • Panting after exercising is the body's way of "re-paying" the oxygen debt
  • Summary of anaerobic respiration
    • Only goal is to convert NADH to NAD+ (to use in glycolysis)
    • No energy is directly gained (ATP is ONLY made in glycolysis)
    • Anaerobic respiration - 2 ATP produced
    • Aerobic respiration - 36/38 ATP produced
  • Photosynthesis
    The process by which cells synthesize organic molecules (e.g. glucose) from inorganic molecules (CO2 and H2O) using the energy found in sunlight
  • Photosynthesis
    • Requires a photosynthetic pigment (chlorophyll and others such as carotenoids)
    • Can only occur in certain organisms (plants, algae, and some bacteria)
  • Chloroplast
    The specialized organelle in plants where photosynthesis occurs
  • Photosynthesis
    1. Energy transformation from photons of light to energy available in glucose
    2. Carbon dioxide + waterglucose + oxygen
  • Stages of Photosynthesis
    1. Light Dependent Reactions (LDR)
    2. Light Independent Reactions (Calvin Cycle)
  • Light Dependent Reactions (LDR)
    Light energy is captured and used to make ATP and reduce NADP+ to NADPH
  • Light Independent Reactions (Calvin Cycle)
    Use the energy from ATP and reducing power of NADPH to make glucose, from CO2
  • Photosynthesis occurs in the thylakoid membrane (LDR) and the stroma (Calvin Cycle)
  • Chloroplast
    • Has two membranes: an outer and inner membrane
    • Interior space filled with semi-liquid material called stroma
    • Contains tiny sacs called thylakoids that stack to form columns called grana
    • Neighbouring grana are connected by unstacked thylakoids called lamellae
  • Photon
    A packet of light energy
  • Pigments
    • Substances that absorb certain wavelengths of light and reflect others
    • Plants have many different pigments to absorb more energy from the sun
  • Chlorophyll a
    The main plant pigment that absorbs in the blue and red regions of the visible spectrum
  • Chlorophyll b
    A type of chlorophyll that differs from chlorophyll a in its functional groups
  • Chlorophyll a is the reaction centre pigment of the photosystem
  • Accessory/Antennae pigments
    Collect energy from various wavelengths of light other than those absorbed by chlorophyll a and pass it to the reaction centre chlorophyll a
  • Photosystems
    • Clusters of hundreds of pigments and proteins that work together to absorb the energy found in the wavelengths of visible light
    • Embedded within the thylakoid membrane and contain reaction centre chlorophyll a surrounded by antennae pigments
  • When photons strike a pigment, the energy is passed from molecule to molecule until it reaches the reaction centre chlorophyll a
  • Photosynthesis has two photosystems in the light dependent reactions
  • Photosynthetic structures appear green because all the colours in the visible spectrum are absorbed except green