Health indicators

Cards (24)

  • what are the numbers for low blood pressure?
    90/60 or lower
  • What are the numbers for ideal blood pressure?
    90/60 to 140/90
  • What are the numbers for pre-high blood pressure?
    120/80 to 140/90
  • What are the numbers for high blood pressure?
    140/90 and above
  • Three causes for high blood pressure?
    1. Eating too much salt
    2. Not enough exercise
    3. not eating enough fruit and vegetables
  • Three causes for low blood pressure?
    1. Diabetes
    2. dehydration - reduces blood volume
    3. emotional stress
  • Three short term risks of low blood pressure?
    1. dizziness
    2. blurred vision
    3. fainting
  • Three long term risks of low blood pressure?
    1. rapid breathing
    2. body and organs don’t get enough blood
    3. weak pulse
  • Two risks of high blood pressure?
    1. Headaches
    2. shortness of breathe
  • Two long term risks of high blood pressure?
    1. Makes the arteries harden and thicken - decreases blood flow
    2. causes blood vessels to the brain to burst and cause a stroke
  • Normal range for an adults heart rate?
    between 60 and 100 bmp
  • Two causes for abnormal heart rate?
    1. Exercising causes the pulse rate to increase
    2. smoking causes a faster heart beat and irregular breathing patterns
  • Two short term risks of abnormal heart rate?
    1. dizziness
    2. shortness of breathe
  • Long term risks of abnormal heart rate?
    1. Risk of heart failure (heart becomes weak)
    2. increased risk of heart attack and stroke
  • Below 18.5 is what?
  • 18.5 to 24.9 is what?
    healthy weight
  • 25 to 29.9 is what?
  • 30 to 39.9 is what?
  • 40 or above is what?
    severely obese
  • 2 causes of high BMI?
    1. a diet high in fat and sugar
    2. not enough exercise
  • Two short term risks of being underweight?
    1. weaker immune system
    2. feeling weak and tired
  • Two long term risks of being underweight?
    1. slower/abnormal growth
    2. deficiency diseases, like low iron which causes anaemia
  • Two short term risks of being over-weight?
    1. reduced mobility
    2. joint pain
  • Three long term risks of being overweight?
    1. cardiovascular problems (Heart attack or stroke)
    2. Diabetes
    3. joint problems (arthriti)