Biosynthesis of thyroid hormones
1. Iodine is the most important element
2. Iodination of tyrosine residues in thyroglobulin results in formation of monoiodotyrosine (MIT) and diiodotyrosine (DIT)
3. TSH stimulates synthesis of thyroid hormones
4. Protein bound hormones are metabolically inactive - free hormones (FT3 and FT4) are the physiologically active portions
5. Protein-bound thyroid hormones do not enter cells and are considered to be biologically inert and function as storage sites
6. The minute levels of free hormone fractions readily enter cells by specific membrane transport mechanism to exert their biological effects
7. When iodide sources are diminished, MIT is produced in greater quantities, leading to increased T3 formation and release
8. Reverse T3 is produced by removal of one iodine from the inner ring of T4, metabolically inactive; product of T4 metabolism