Cards (43)

  • Power and Influence of Media
    • Economical
    • Educational
    • Social
    • Political
  • economy is defined as the ability of a country or a region to produce and sustain wealth and resources through the production and utilization of goods and services.
  • E-commerce, short for electronic commerce, is the use of technology or any connected network (typically the Internet) in orderto complete a business transaction.
  • social media for advertisements - This method allows businesses to reach the same, if not a greater, number of consumers with minimal investment, compared to advertising using traditional media.
  • Learning management systems (LMS) - allow educational institutions to deliver learning materials with the use of an online platform.
  • LMS is often associated with the term “blended learning”,
  • blended learning - characterized by face-to-face interactions between teachers and students combined or “blended” with Internet-based activities
  • Social media is a great tool for these activities as several people, especially in the Philippines, have a social media account.
  • Topics start to trend on digital media when a hashtag (used for post categorization) is used frequently beyond a certain threshold.
  • E-governance, the use of technology to deliver services by the government to its citizens, is gaining popularity.
  • accessibility. The ability to reach a great number of people in real time is a characteristic that is true for both traditional and new media.
  • The pervasiveness of new and digital media greatly improved how the traditional mass media like television, radio, and newsprint disseminate information by allowing users to react, respond, and share their own opinions based on the topic at hand.
  • Forum - an internet based media platform where people across the globe can talk and share opinions about a certain topic or interest
  • on-demand feature allows consumers to watch or listen to any media content anywhere at any given time.
  • Youtube is the second largest search engine, after google. bigger than bing, yahoo and ask combined
  • Social media is considered
    as the top source of fake news among all the mass
    media platforms since checks and balances being
    implemented before publication is very limited.
  • anonymity brought by the Internet also allows people to act unethically towards other users, as they know that the chances of being caught and held to account are very slim.
  • Cyberbullying is one common example of unethical behavior with the intent to undermine the reputation of a person or a group.
  • Cybercrimes such as plagiarism, copyright theft, spamming, phishing, hacking, identity theft, and other illegal online activities thrive with the use of the Internet.
  • Being continuously vigilant and aware of the current trends and situations that may be encountered online is always a great practice as this will yield positive results while minimizing the chance of being a victim of unethical practices of individuals in the Internet.
  • Trending – a popular topic. On social media, a trending topic may be about a person, a group, or a current phenomenon.
  • e-burol (a wordplay of “electronic” and “burol”). It refers to an online viewing service offered by funeral homes via Internet Protocol (IP) cameras.
  • Haptic technology requires realistic visual touching to perform a specific function.
  • morse code modulated haptics enable the deaf-blind to access the web.
  • Contextual awareness refers to a device system's ability to collect information based on the user's environment combined with algorithmic preferences. Some people use navigation apps like Waze to find directions for a specific location.
  • Voice and tone recognition is the ability of devices to identify a particular person
  • Speech recognition only detects spoken words.
  • Intelligent routing to devices collects information on a certain location, particularly about an issue.
  • Eye tracking technology measures eye activity. Applications of such technology are evident in the medical, marketing, and education industry. Tobii Pro Glasses are used for research to assess visual reading strategies, and understand human behavior.
  • Internet glasses are wearable computer glasses that can display information similar to a smartphone. Some examples include Google Glass and Oculus Rift.
  • Massive Open Online Course or MOOC is an interactive model for delivering content to interested users online.
  • Massive. This means that many people are welcome to join MOOCs. The course does not have a limit on the number of learners who wish to join as long as they register before the given deadline or before the start of theOs courses.
  • Open. This means anyone can join MOOCs regardless of academic achievement, industry experience, or any other factors. As long as you can understand the medium of instruction, you can join one.
  • Online. This means you are required to have a good internet connection to access an MOOC. You can also collaborate with other learners through online discussion boards or build an electronic portfolio (or e-portfolio) to share resources.
  • Courses. This refers to the various disciplines or subjects available. Content providers offer a list of courses depending on your interest. You can enroll in any class from “Basics of Cost Accounting” to “Programming Languages.”
  • in 2014, google ran a trial for breastfeeding mothers to use google glass for hands free experience.
  • scalability. If a teacher or instructor uses an MOOC, he/she can allow a larger number of students to join the class, including those who are not enrolled in schools yet. It may also be available to the public as long as they sign up accordingly.
  • The second advantage is its optimal resource utilization. With MOOC, you have the opportunity to be taught by famous personalities and respected educators known in their industry.
  • The third advantage is that it is self-paced. Learning in the MOOCs depends on the learner’s response, not all students learn the same way at the same time. there are also instructor-paced which means courses run through a specified schedule.
  • The last advantage is the removal of other constraints. Some people cannot go to learning institutions because of their busy work schedule so they opt to join MOOCs.