A Senior High School student must undergo this training in an industry that directly relates to the student's post-secondary goal
Work Ethics
A set of values that advocate hard work and diligence
A one (later in your career, maybe two) page summary of your skill, experience, and education
Curriculum Vitae
Includes a summary of your educational and academic background, teaching and research experience, publications, exhibitions, presentations, awards, honors, affiliations, and other details
A belief that the privacy of others must always be maintained
Avoid writing "To whom it may concern" in a cover letter
Fax is not a proper platform where you can send your "thank you" letters
Conflict resolution
Collaboration with workmates is one of the best approaches in handle conflicts in a diplomatic manner
Medical assistants handle the largest amount of confidential information
Information found in public records are considered to be not confidential
Examples of potential hazards in the work environment
Manual tasks that strain the body
Working when very tired
Working on a wet floor
PresidentialDecree (PD) No. 442, s. 1974 is also known as the LaborCode of the Philippines
Objectives in resume writing
Consider the position you're seeking, the skills you are offering to the employer, and also the industry or environment you prefer
No employee can be dismissed from work except for a just or authorized cause, and only after due process
Employer must schedule a day-off of 48 consecutive hours after 6 days of work upon consultation with the workers
Taking credit of other's hard work is an unethical behavior
People and customers feel safe when working with a company if they know people are following morally sound guidelines
Staying in offices is not part of the rationale of Work Immersion
DepEd Orders No. 39, s. 2018 / memoramdum stipulates the clarification of Work Immersion
To be able to qualify for work immersion, one must be a Grade 12 student and have passed at least 4 of his/her specialized subjects
The work ethics to apply when finding a crumpled P1,000 on the floor during work immersion
When a trainee or an employee knows how to get along with others, abide with the prescribed attire, and follow rules and regulations
Dressing-up appropriately, using the appropriate language, and asking for help if you know you can hardly solve a problem or situation
Telling that one of your colleagues is being interviewed by another company
Refusal to work without threat or reprisal from the employer if, as determined by the DOLE, an imminent danger situation exists in the workplace that may result in illness, injury, or death corrective actions to eliminate the danger that has not been undertaken by the employer
Keeping confidential records and information to yourself alone
Being entrusted to keep confidential records and information to yourself alone
Using only the barangay or town you belong to in the address section is NOT applicable in filling out forms
On the spot or right at that moment
In the medical certificate, it is important to indicate the medical practitioner considers the patient is likely to be recovered
Gives the hiring manager an overview of the qualifications you have for the job for which you're applying
Screening personnel often turn off aggressive applicants in interviews