Cognitive Domain

Cards (19)

  • Field Dependent refers to a perceptual style that refers to people who are dependent on the visual field when perceiving the environment. In the Rod and Frame Test, Field Dependent people use the environment surrounding the rod to tell what direction it is tilted in.
  • Field independent people rely on their own sensations to guide them in their environment. In the Rod and Frame Test, Field independent people use information from their own body
  • Field dependent people can be said to be bound up in the details and unable to see the whole picture
  • The Reducer/Augmentor theory describes how people experience pain tolerance
  • In the reducer/augmenter theory, people with low pain tolerance are thought to have a nervous system that amplifies subjective impact of sensory cues. These people are called augmenters.
  • In the reducer/augmenter theory, those who can tolerate pain have a nervous system that dampens the effects of sensory stimulation. These people are called reducers.
  • Kelly's Personal Construct Theory puts emphasis on people believing something and their effort to understand, predict, and control events in life. Kelly says that personal constructs are constructs routinely used to interpret and predict events- similar to cognitive schemas
  • Fundamental postulate refers to a person's processes as psychologically channelized by the way they anticipate events
  • According to Kelly, anxiety is a result of personal constructs failing to make sense of our circumstances. This can be from personal constructs being too rigid or permeable (eg. quick to stereotype/categorize)
  • Locus of control describes a person's perception of responsibility for life events, and if they tend to locate responsibility as internally or externally
  • Learning theory states that learning depends on the degree people value the particular reinforcer (eg. praise)
  • external locus of control is generalized expectancy that events are outside of one's control. internal locus of control is a generalized expectancy reinforcing events are under one's control
  • Those with an internal locus of control have better health outcomes and have more self-eesteem
  • The personal projects analysis method is a technique used to identify the personal projects that are important to the individual, and have the most impact, enjoyment, and difficulty.
  • Dweck's Theory of Mastery Orientation focuses on people's beliefs about ability. For example, their belief on the nature of intelligent and if it is something which can be changed or not
  • Tory HIggins' Theory of Regulatory Focus says that people regulate goal-directed behaviour in 2 ways: promotion focus, and prevention focus
  • In the Theory of Regulatory Focus, promotion focus is concerned with advancement, growth, and accomplishment
  • In the Theory of Regulatory Focus, prevention focus is concerned with protection, safety, and prevention of negative outcomes
  • Mischel's Cognitive-Affective Personality System argues that personality variables influence behaviour mainly by interacting with or modifying the psychological meaning of siuations