Minority influence

    Cards (12)

    • What does minority influence lead to?
    • What are the 3 main processes involved in minority influence?
      consistency, commitment and flexibility
    • Minority influence
      A form of social influence where a minority persuades the majority group to adopt their beliefs, attitudes or behaviours, leading to internalisation
    • Minority influence
      • Commitment - minority show they're dedicated to the cause through personal sacrifice
      • Augmentation principle - if minority appear willing to sacrifice/suffer, they're seen as more committed and taken seriously
      • Consistency - if minority maintain the same view over time, majority start to listen
      • Flexibility - minority should accept reasonable counter-arguments and negotiate their position as they hold no power over majorities
    • Process of minority influence
      1. Majority thinks deeply about minority view
      2. Internalisation occurs
      3. Snowball effect - increase in size of minority over time
      4. Faster conversion rates
      5. Minority view becomes majority view
    • Moscovici study - tested if majority would be influenced by a minority's incorrect view
    • Moscovici study procedure
      1. 12 minority confederates
      2. Had to name the colour of 36 slides (all blue, different brightnesses)
      3. Two conditions: consistent - said 'green' all times, inconsistent - said 'green' 2/3 times
    • Moscovici study findings: consistency had a greater influence, 8% agreed on trials vs 1/3 agreed with minority at least once
    • Conclusions: minority can influence a majority if they're consistent with their view
    • 213 agreed at least once for Asch, 13 for Moscovici
    • Nemeth said the real value of minority influence is that they open our minds
    • Real life application - minority influence leads to social change