personality - originated from the latin word persona which referred to theoretical mask worn by roman actor in greek dramas
traits contribute to individual difference in behavior,consistency of behavior over time, stability of behavior across the situation
characteristic- are unique qualities of an individual that include such attribute as temperament, physique, intelligence
scientific theory- is a set of related assumption that allows scientist to use logical deductive reasoning to formulate a hypothesis
psychodynamic theories- focused on the importance of the childhood experience and relationship of the parents as guiding forces that shaped personality development.
humanistic-existential theories- currently known as "positive psychology" the primary approach is that people strive toward meaning ,growth well being happiness and psychological health.
dispositional theories- argue that the unique long tern tendencies to behave in particular way are the essence of our persoality.
bioligical-evolotionary theories- emphasize that what we think, feel and do is always an interaction between nature(biological) snd nurture(environment)
learningsocialcognitive theories- focuses only on behavior not on hyphothetical and unobservable internal state such as thoughts, feeling ,drive,motives( all behavior are learned through association and or its consequences
conscious- it can be defined as those mental elements in awareness at any given point in the time.
preconscious- level of the mind contains all those elements that are not conscious but can become consious.
unconsious- contain all those drivers,urgers,or instinct that are beyond our awareness ,itmotivate most of our words, feeling and actions
id- pleasure principle, present at birth, core personality and completely unconsious, sole function is to seek pleasure.
eros- life instinct , help the individual to survive respiration eating and sex
eros- life instinct , help the individual to survive respiration eating and sex
thanatos- death instinct viewed as a set of destructive force in all human, can be expressed as an act of violence or regression.
ego- develop around 2-3 years old, reality principle, in contact with reality the decision making or the executive branch of personality partly consious pre conscious
super ego- develop around age of 5, moralistic and idealistic principle .
guilt, the result when the ego acts or even intends to act contrary to the moral standard of the superego
conscience- results from experiences with punishment for improper behavior ,tell us what we should doand not do.
ego ideal- develop from experience with rewards for proper behavior , tell us what we should do
ego ideal- develop from experience with rewards for proper behavior , tell us what we should do
drives- german word for trieb(refer to a drive or a stimulus with the person), operates as a constant motivational force
libido- sex drives
sex- aim is pleasure , but not limited to genital satisfaction. freud believed that the entire body is invested with libido.
erogenous zones- the mouth and the anus are specially capale of producing sexual pleasure..
narcissism- infant are primarily self-centered with their libido invested almost exclusively in their own ego. this condition which is universal, is known as primarly narcissism
secondary narcissism- self love that occurs later in life and occurs when the libido is withdrawn form the object and centered on the self.
love- develop when people invest their libido on an object or person othertha themselves
sadism- the need for sexual pleasure by inflicting pain or humiliation on another person.
masochism- experience sexual pleasure from suffering pain and humiliation by themselves or by others.
aggression- aim of the drives is to return the organism to an inorganic states.
anxiety - a felt unpleasant state accompanied by physical sensation that warn the person against impending danger
neurotic anxiety - the threat that unacceptable id impulse will break through and can be acted on by any individual.
moralistic anxiety- would result from sexual temptation if a child believes that yielding to temptation would be morally wrong
realistic anxiety- anxiety in response to an indentifiable threat or danger , response to threat and or perception of genuine risk in external world.
free association- the verbalization of every thought that comes to the patients mind no matter how irrelevant or repugent
dream analysis- used by freud to transform manifest content of dreams to the more important latent content, the investigation of repressed emotion that can be expressed in dreams
manifest content- it is the surface meaning or the conscious description given by the dreamer.