Assessment and therapeutic management of umbilical cord prolapse
1. Cord may be felt as presenting part on initial vaginal exam, sonogram, or visible at the vulva
2. Variable deceleration FHR pattern
3. Place a gloved hand on the vagina and manually elevating the fetal head off the cord
4. Place woman in a knee-chest or Trendelenburg position
5. Administer O2 at 10 L/min. by face mask
6. Tocolytic agent is administered to reduce uterine activity & pressure on the fetus
7. Do not attempt to push any exposed cord back into the vagina
8. Cover any exposed portion with a sterile saline compress
9. If cervix is fully dilated, deliver the infant quickly (by forceps)
10. If dilatation is incomplete, keep pressure off the cord and baby can be borne by C/S