1. Clean the stethoscope earpieces and diaphragm with alcohol
2. Locate the brachial pulse
3. Wrap the cuff above the elbow with the arrow pointing to the brachial artery. Fasten the cuff so it fits snugly
4. Place the diaphragm of the stethoscope flat on the pulse site, holding it in place with the index and middle fingers of one hand
5. Locate the radial pulse
6. Close the valve on the BP cuff by turning it to the right (clockwise)
7. Inflate the cuff approximately 180 or 200 mmHg
8. Deflate the cuff slowly by opening the valve slightly and turning it counterclockwise (to the left) with your thumb and index finger. Allow the air to escape slowly while listening for a pulse sound
9. Note the reading at which you hear the first clear, regular pulse sound. This number is the systolic pressure
10. Continue listening until the sound disappears. This is the diastolic pressure. Note this reading
11. Open the valve completely to deflate the cuff. Remove the cuff from the patient
12. Record results with systolic as the top number and diastolic as the bottom number (i.e., 120/76)