The process of exchanging ideas, views, thoughts, observations, expressions, feelings, and emotions of the participants; communication has interaction among the participants
The reason behind any interaction. It is the meaning shared between the sender and the receiver
The process by which a message is conveyed. It is the responsibility of both the sender and the receiver to choose the best channel for the interaction
Involves the expectations of the sender and the receiver and the common or shared understanding through the environmental signals
Persuasive communication
An art of gaining favorable considerations for the speaker. It is designed to move people to do or not to do. It is delivered to convince people to accept the speaker's point of view. It is influential
Principles of effective communication
General Principles of Effective Communication
Know your audience
Know your purpose in communicating
Know your topic
Adjust your speech/writing to the context of the situation
Work on the feedback given to you
When you make yourself an attractivetarget by showing job interviewers who you are as a person—not just a professional
Done before you start applying to jobs, you need to identify what makes you valuable to anemployer. This means putting together a unique value proposition that distinguishes you from other job seekers in your field
Job advertisement
An announcement that informs people that a certain job position is available. It is written in an engaging tone and it contains information not only about the job position, but also about your company and the benefits you offer
Elements of a job advertisement
Specified period for application
Application directions
Appealing design and key images
Job requirements
Application procedure
Holistic Company Appearance
Apply-now button
Job hunting
The process of looking for employment, whether it's because of unemployment, dissatisfaction with the current role, or any other reason
Features of a Cover Letter
Pleasing Tone
An advertisement of your skills, experiences, and education. It is what will open opportunities for you. It may not be the reason for our acceptance but it will get you the first interview for the position that you want