The tangible aspect of the person that can be directly observed and examined as we interact with our environment and fellow beings
Who you are physically is important to many people
Physical characteristics
Body shape and structure
Skin color
Hair color
An individual is very active
Physical self is a big part of how he/she defines himself/herself
An individual is overweight and out of breath
Physical self is out of shape
Physical self
Includes physical attributes and physical competencies such as self-worth and perception of beauty
Adolescents need to be treated as a distinct segment to help them realize and address their health and lifestyle problems
The totality of perceptions that each person has of themselves
An individual feels happy with his or her physique
Self-esteem becomes higher
An individual has more psychological well-being
Less likely to experience anxiety, depression, and eating disorder
How you feel about who you are as a person, also called 'confidence' in yourself
Physical self-esteem or physical self-worth
A person's evaluation of their physical self which includes evaluations of both the physical appearance and physical competencies
Physical Self-Perception Profile (PSPP)
Sport competence (sport): Perceptions of sport and athletic ability, ability to learn sport skills, and confidence in the sport environment
Physical condition (condition): Perceptions of physical condition, stamina, and fitness; ability to maintain exercise; and confidence in the exercise and fitness setting
The Buru can weigh up to 22 pounds, since more coils are added each year, pushing down their shoulders and creating the effect of a longer neck
In various parts of Asia, pale, white skin is a sign of affluence and attractiveness
In Japan, women avoid the sun at all costs while whitening agents are normal in China and Thailand
Swirling tattoos created by carving grooves into the skin using a chisel, a sacred ritual for the Maori people of New Zealand
Women with tattooed lips and chins, and full, blue lips are considered the most beautiful by the Maori people of New Zealand
In Western African cultures, women who are overweight are found to be the most beautiful, and the more stretch marks, the better
In the past, families in Mauritania sent their children to "fat farms" camps that force-fed girls 16,000 calories a day to help them reach their ideal weight to achieve a fuller figure
In Mauritania, they even prefer fattening camel's and cow's milk
Iran is the rhinoplasty capital of the world, and both men and women are proud to show off their procedures, which is considered a sign of their social status and their path on the route to beauty
In Iran, people often wear their bandages much longer than needed, and some even buy surgical tape to wear even if they have not gone under a surgery
Women in India accessorize with nose rings, bindis and henna to make themselves more attractive for festivals and celebrations, and brides often wear a dot of red powder on the face known as kumkum to look more beautiful
InJapan, stick straight hair is the norm, and Japanese women have turned into pros at thermal conditioning and flat-ironing to straighten hair
Physical beauty has been regarded as an essentialpart of one's self across all cultures, and although defined in a different way, it has become a primary part of an individual's physical self
The most important thing to remember is that we feel beautiful because we have a healthy perception of our physical worth, and that is why we feel good about ourselves