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  • Calcification
    Generation of seashells and similar forms: 2HCO3- + Ca2+ = CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O
  • Carbon cycle

    Movement of matter from non-living to living compartments and back, transformation of matter from inorganic forms to organic and back
  • Organisms in ecosystems
    • Energy "production" (really capture and conversion)
    • Elemental cycling (C and N particularly)
    • Transformation of energy and substances
  • Earliest evidence of life comes from about 3.6 Gy ago
  • Oxygen as a gas appeared around 2.7-2.5 Gy ago (evidence from rocks e.g. Fe3+)
  • Life must have been anaerobic for c. 1 Gy
  • Much of the oxygen in the atmosphere is derived from early photosynthesis
  • May have caused an early mass extinction!
  • Carbon sequestration
    1. Photosynthesis: CO2 + H2O --> O2 + C(H20)
    2. Calcification – generation of seashells and similar forms: 2HCO3- + Ca2+ = CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O
  • Soil is the dominant terrestrial sink of atmospheric CO2
  • Soil has lost between 40 and 90 Pg C because of human activity
  • CO2 release
    • Fossil fuel burning accounts for about 80% of anthropogenic CO2 emissions
    • About 20% was accounted for by changes in land use, mainly large scale deforestation
    • About 45% of anthropogenic CO2 remains in the atmosphere
    • About 30% has been taken up by the oceans
    • The remainder has been taken up by vegetation, and soil
  • Over geological time scales, marine plants have been taking carbon from the atmosphere (via the sea) and putting it into rocks (calcification) and fossil biomass (oil, gas and coal)
  • By oxidising oil, gas and coal (burning fossil fuels) we are only partially redressing the balance
  • Terrestrial fixed carbon is usually respired back to carbon dioxide
  • Acidifying ocean

    Adding CO2 to the atmosphere reduces pH of the sea, predictions are in the order of 0.3 of a unit i.e. from 8.2 to 7.9 in the next 50 years
  • Increasing acidity could reduce calcification
  • Extant species evolved in a sea of pH 8.2 and the sea is more acidic than any time in last 500,000 years
  • Animals may not be able to adapt, threatening species that rely on calcification reactions
  • Calcification is the main means of sequestering carbon on the planet and has profound effects on climate
  • Oceans are thought to have absorbed about half of the extra CO2 put into the atmosphere in the industrial age
  • Extinction
    Extinction is a fundamental part of evolution, all species will go extinct eventually, but this normally occurs at a low rate, with only a few species going at a time
  • Causes of previous mass extinctions
    • Bolide impact
    • Vulcanism
    • Increased oxygenation
    • Sea level changes
  • Causes of previous mass extinctions have all been linked to major changes in climate over geologically short periods
  • Effects of mass extinctions
    • Loss of species can lead to complete collapses of ecosystems
    • Plants as primary producers can lead to other extinctions if they are killed off
    • Some ecosystems are maintained by 'keystone species' and their loss leads to the extinction of many others
  • It is suggested we are in the midst of a 6th mass extinction
  • Species loss through human activities, combined with global climate change is causing ecosystem collapse and extinction rates many times the background levels
  • Melomys rubicola reported extinct in 2016 the first directly attributed to climate change
  • Is the next extinction set to be human mediated?
  • Major pressures on ecosystems and species
    • Climate change
    • Deforestation and habitat fragmentation
    • Desertification
    • Pollution (air, water, sound and light)
  • Huge swathes of the world have now lost at least 20% of their species and the ecosystems could collapse
  • Many human cultures lived (more or less) sustainably within ecosystems. But technological innovations allowed the mass exploitation of species
  • Unable to adapt to the rapid change in the situation, it is very easy for species to be rapidly depopulated
  • The North American bison is a clear example, by the end of the 19th C there were only 300 wild buffalo
  • Species at the top of the food chain are especially vulnerable – lower populations, slow breeders
  • Demand for shark fin soup has decimated them, estimated to be a 70% loss of populations in 50 years
  • Extinction of large mammals in North America
    • Woolly mammoths
    • American mastodons
    • Ground sloths
    • Giant armadillos
    • Camels
    • Giant deer
    • Giant bison
  • Loss of large mammals in North America coincided with many changes including arrival of modern man and loss of habitat
  • Temperature has powerful influences on individual metabolism – and, ultimately, entire ecosystems
  • Ecological processes are temperature-dependent, e.g. beetle egg development rates increase rapidly with temperature