Exposure and Charge of the Light Brigade

Cards (8)

    1. "into the Vally of death" COTLB war as harsh 

    Tennyson uses biblical imagery as his audience was Christian to get his message across that war is anti Christian
  • 1."merciless iced east winds" E war as harsh

    Natural imagery - personifies "merciless" suggesting nature is against the soldiers 'East winds" biblical language.
  • 2. "... the soldiers knew" "...valley of Death" - war as honourable COTLB 

    anti rhyme- "knew" and "death" only two words at end each line in stanza two in order to stand out. Emphasis how heroic the "six hundred" were.
  • 2. "We keep awake" "our brains ache" "We watch them" E war not act of honour
    wanted to create sympathy for soldiers by reality of war juxtaposing poroperganda
  • 3."all there eyes are ice" E effect of war 

    Metaphor suggests they are frozen in time and cannot escape their suffering reflected by consistency of rhyme scheme
  • 3. "All the world wonder'd" COTLB Effect of war

    Shows how the soldiers were blinded by propaganda whereas everyone else saw it was a suicidal battle - Crimean war
  • what type of poet was Tennyson
    Poet Laureate has to support views of Queen and government
  • Owen was a soldier himself and wanted to share the reality of war