inferential statisitical test

    Cards (10)

    • statisitical tests
      A) sign test
      B) chi - squared
      C) chi-squared
      D) nominal data
      E) ordinal data
      F) interval data
      G) test of difference
      H) unrelated
      I) related
      J) correlation
      K) spearmans rank
      L) wilcoxon
      M) mann whitney
      N) unrelated t test
      O) related t test
      P) pearsons r
    • converting interval to ordinal
      each participant is assigned a rank score to turn the interval measures into an ordinal measure. this is done by lising each participant from highest to lowest scores.
    • converting ordinal to nominal
      separate categories are created - the highest-ranked half of the participants are assigned to one categorie and, the other half to the other catergorie
    • inferential statistics
      use the data collected from the sample to make inferences about the behaviour of the entire target poplation
    • one tailed
    • two tailed
      non directional
    • template sentance
      as the observed/calculated value ( ), is (greater/less) than the critic value, ( ) we must (accept/reject) the alternate hypothesis as (p<0.05/p<0.01) for a (one/two) tail test
    • table of critical values
      1. find the calculated value in stem
      2. identify the number of participants (n)/degrees of freedom (df)
      3. identify levels of significance used. This should be 0.05
      4. identify if the test is one tailed/directional or two tailed/non directional - no previous research
      5. is the critical value greater or less than the calculated vlaue
    • Type 1 error - false positive
      occurs if an investigator rejects a null hypothesis that is true in the population
    • Type 2 error - false negative
      occurs if the investigator fails to reject a null hypothesis that is actually fake
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