Inferential statistics

    Cards (12)

    • Inferential statistics

      ways of analysing data using statistical tests that allow the researcher to make conclusions about whether a hypothesis was supported by the results.
      they assess whether the results are statistically 'significant
    • The sign test (s)

      An inferential stats test that calculates the direction of differences between pairs of scores.
    • When to use the sign test

      1.When looking for a difference
      2.When a repeated measures design (related data) have been used
      3.The data is organised into categories (nominal data)
    • How to calculate the sign test

      1. Calculate the difference between each participant's scores (ignore any scores that do not show a difference)2. Use a plus or minus sign to indicate the direction of difference.3.The number of times the least frequent sign occurs is the S value.
    • Observed/calculated value

      The value from the stats test.
    • Critical/table value
      The value you look up in the table.
    • N value
      The number of participants (minus those with tied scores)
    • How to find the critical value

      Need to know the following:
      1. The level of significance (probability level)
      2. The number of participants (minus those with tied scores)
      3. Whether the hypothesis is one-tailed (directional) or two-tailed (non-directional)
    • p=0.05

      the accepted level of probability/level of significance in psychology.
    • p=0.01

      a stricter level of significance used when psychologists are conducting socially sensitive research
    • p≤0.05

      the probability that the results occurred by chance is equal to or less than 5%
    • p≥0.05

      the probability that the results occurred by chance is equal to or more than 5%
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