The joining of metals by fusion of filler metal between them, at a temperature below 450°C
Bond in soldering
Created by wetting the parent metals with the solder, not by melting or diffusion the parent metals
A metal filler alloy that, when melted, flows into intimate contact with (wets) the metal surfaces to be joined
Ideal properties of a dental solder
Lower fusing: 50°C-100°C lower than melting point of the components
Free-flowing: flow temperature well below melting point of alloys being joined
Strong: as strong as the components being melted
Corrosion resistant: to prevent tarnishing and discoloration
Same color: match the alloy
Compatible with the metal, but not necessarily similar composition
Solders for joining noble metal components are formulated from mixtures of gold, silver and copper designed to have low fusion temperatures
Base metal alloys can be difficult to solder because they oxidize; this must be controlled with special fluxes
Dental solders are supplied in a variety of shapes, such as strips, rods, wires, or cubes, each of which is convenient for certain operations
Soldering investments should not expand as much as casting investments. They are similar in composition to casting investments
Correct gap between units
Units must not touch, as this causes distortion and porous inadequate joints. Excessive gap spaces cause undersized restoration widths due to solder solidification shrinkage
Solders are susceptible to oxidation during the melting/softening procedure and the resulting oxides can weaken the soldered joint
The metal components being joined are often coated with a thin oxide film which can limit the ability to achieve proper joining
Employed to break down the surface oxide layers on metals and to prevent oxidation of the solder
Fluxes commonly used
Fluoride salts
Ideal properties of Flux
Melting point lower than solder
Lies quietly on the work while being fused and does not increase in volume
Spreads evenly and remains on the parent metal without volatization
Dissolves metallic oxides or other surface impurities
Easily removable after soldering
The selection of flux and solder depends on the alloys being joined and their intended application
Torch (flame) soldering
Access and visibility are maximal
The laboratory technician can heat differentially to the work
Oxidation and reductions can be controlled directly
Heat can be removed immediately after solder flow
Addition of solder to the partially completed joint can be made readily
Disadvantages of torch soldering
Uneven distribution of heat can warp or damage portions of the prosthesis
Overall control of temperature is imprecise
Pressurized supply of necessary gases must be available
Oven Soldering
Temperatures are more nearly uniform throughout the work
Temperatures are known at any point during the procedure
Application of vacuum can control oxidation
Close monitoring of the procedure is feasible if the work is visible in the furnace
Oven soldering is particularly suitable for joining porcelain-to-metal prosthesis after applying porcelain (post soldering)
Discolors porcelains rapidly, changing even temperatures causes cracking and pitting
Soldering Technique
Ensure the surface of the alloy is free from dirt and oxides
Place the components as close together as possible without touching
If using soldering investment use the smallest amount possible
Place flux in the joint to be soldered
Select a suitable solder which melts 50°C-100°C below the melting point of the components
Heat the components evenly by either using the reducing zone of the flame or a furnace
When the flame is evenly cherry red, apply the solder
The parts being joined are not melted during soldering but must be thoroughly wettable by liquefied solder
The operation should be completed in the shortest time possible to avoid oxidation and prevent damage to the microstructures
Soldering defects
Porosity or pitting: Incorrect fluxing, flaming, cleaning, or spacing of parts
Distortion of parts: Overheating, thermal expansion of metal parts
The process by which two pieces of similar metal are joined together without the addition of another metal
The material used for welding is always the same composition and the same color as the alloy to be welded
Welding is generally done at higher temperatures than soldering
Methods of welding
Fusion welding: Parts are melted and joined, but pressure is not applied (e.g. Gas welding, Laser welding)
Pressure welding: Parts are heated and pressed, but not melted (e.g. Spot welding)
Spot welding
Two clean metal surfaces are placed together under pressure, current is passed through to fuse the metals at that point
Applications of spot welding
Fusing stainless steel strip for making bands
Securing attachments to bands
Attaching springs to a rigid bow wire, or to bands
Construction of fixed restorations
Pressure welding
Also called cold welding, does not require heat application. Gold foil is welded by pressure at room temperature
Laser welding
A laser generates a high intensity pulse of light that can be focused to melt the opposing surfaces at the joint, which then form a weld on solidification
Welding current and time
Important for heat production - if current is allowed to pass for too long it will burn and produce a rough result, but insufficient time will result in non-union