Vastly improved the esthetics, increased the strength, and raised the CTE of metal-ceramic porcelains to ensure metal–dental porcelain compatibility, enabling them to be used for numerous dental applications
The main raw ingredient of dental porcelains, is crystalline and opaque with an indefinite color between gray and pink, and is chemically designated as Potassium Aluminum Silicate (K2O . Al2O3 . 6SiO2)
Greater than 1.3–1.4 mm in the body portion and 1.5–1.6 mm in the incisal portion to produce a natural shade, with greater thickness required for more translucent shades
Serve three primary functions: wet the metal surface and establish a metal-porcelain bond, mask the color of the metal substructure, and initiate development of the selected shade
Collective term for dentin porcelains, enamel porcelains, translucent porcelains, and body modifiers, mixed with distilled water or a special liquid to prevent rapid drying
Use a large amount of porcelain, absorb excess moisture with tissue paper or gauze, add small amounts of porcelain like enamel or translucent, condense with light vibration
Contain less silica or alumina and more sodium and potassium oxides in combination with special colorant oxides, making them more fluid at high temperatures
Low-fusing porcelains with considerable fluidity at high temperature, filling small surface porosities and irregularities to re-create the glossy appearance of a natural tooth