when human is source, virus is propelled from respiratory tract by couhging, sneezing, or vocalizing
chickenpox and shingles
DNA virus and member of Herpesviridae; humans serve as the reservoir and source and its acquired by droplet inhalation
rash caused by an RNA virus that enters the body through the respiratory tract; can cause subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (degeneration of NS) and is treated with the MMR vaccine
enveloped RNA virus that causes a mild rash acquired from respiratory droplets; can be congenital and lead to fetal death or defects if it occurs in the first trimester
caused by the variola virus with linear dsDNA; transmitted via aerosol or contacts with humans as the only natural host
eradication of smallpox
last case in 1977 made possible because the disease has obvious clinical features, humans are the only hosts, there are no asymptomatic carriers, and it has a short infectivity period (1 month)
arthropod-borne diseases transmitted by bloodsuckers from one vertebrate host to another; multiplies in the tissues of vector without causing infection
west nile fever
encephalitis caused by a flavivirus RNA virus; transmitted via mosquitoes that feed on birds and spreads between humans via blood
transmission of disease through personal contact like touching, kissing, bodily fluids, and open wounds
genital herpes
caused by herpes simplex type 2 linear dsDNA enveloped virus; can be congenital and is a disease with reactivations
human herpesvirus 6
enveloped dsDNA virus with wide tropism; present in infants, presents with pneumonitis in immunocompromised adults and CFS, and MS in other adults
associated with human papillomaviruses and presents with verrucae; includes plantar, verrucae vulgaris, flat, and anogenital
genital warts
1 to 6 month incubation period and causes almost all of cervical cancers; treated with HPV vaccine
viral inflammation of stomach and intestines, big in children; caused by rotovirus, adenovirus, astrovirus, and norovirus
human viral infections in animal reservoirs before transmission to humans
ebola and marburg
hemorrhagic fevers caused by ssRNA Filoviridae; severe and fatal cuasing the host vasular system to leak and dysfunction
transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (fatal neurogenerative disorders) with multiple routes of transmission; abnormally folded proteins can induce normal folds of protein to abnormally fold
transmitted from cattle with mad cow disease; may be acquired by eating meat products of infected cattle