
Cards (153)

  • Digital Radiography (DR)

    All-digital imaging that provides several significant advantages over screen-film radiography
  • Image receptor types
    • Screen film (chemical process)
    • Computed radiography CR
    • Digital radiography DR
  • Computed radiography CR
    • Thermo luminescent dosimetry (TLD)
    • Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL)
  • Screen-film radiographic images require chemical processing, relatively long time that can delay completion of the examination
  • After an image has been obtained on film, little can be done to enhance the information content
  • Images are available in the form of hard copy film that must be catalogued, transported, and stored for future review
  • Such images can be viewed only in a single place at one time
  • Digital imaging
    Any image acquisition process that produces an electronic image that can be viewed and manipulated on a computer
  • Scanned Projection Radiography (SPR)

    Shortly after the introduction of third-generation computed tomography (CT), SPR was developed by CT vendors to facilitate patient positioning
  • Scanned Projection Radiography (SPR)
    1. Patient is positioned on the CT couch and then is driven through the gantry while the x-ray tube is energized
    2. The x-ray tube and the detector array do not rotate but are stationary, and the result is a digital radiograph
  • Scanned Projection Radiography (SPR)
    • Collimation to a fan x-ray with associated scatter radiation rejection and improvement in image contrast
    • The x-ray beam is collimated to a fan by pre-patient collimators
    • Post-patient image-forming x-rays likewise are collimated to a fan that corresponds to the detector array (grid) - a scintillation phosphor, usually Sodium Iodide (NaI) OR Cesium Iodide (CsI) - and is married to a linear array of CCDs (charge-coupled device) through a fiber optic light path
  • Scanned Projection Radiography (SPR) was not very successful because chest anatomy has high subject contrast, so scatter radiation rejection is not all that important
  • The scanning motion required several seconds, resulting in motion blur
  • Tomosynthesis
    A method for performing high-resolution limited-angle tomography at radiation dose levels comparable with projectional radiography
  • Charge-Coupled Device (CCD)
    A highly light sensitive device developed in the 1970s for military use, now found major application in astronomy and digital photography
  • Charge-Coupled Device (CCD)
    • Sensitivity - ability to detect and respond to very low levels of visible light
    • Dynamic range - ability to respond to a wide range of light intensity, from very dim to very bright
    • Size - very small, highly adaptable to DR in its various forms
  • At very low x-ray exposure, the response of a CCD system is greater than that of screen film, resulting in lower patient dose during DR
  • Cesium Iodide/Charge-Coupled Device (CsI/CCD)
    A successful approach to DR where the scintillation light from a CsI phosphor is efficiently transmitted through fiber optic bundles to the CCD array, resulting in high x-ray capture efficiency and good spatial resolution
  • The assembly of multiple CCDs for the purpose of viewing an area x-ray beam presents the challenge to create a seamless image at the edge of each CCD, which is accomplished by interpolation of pixel values at each tile interface
  • Spatial resolution
    The ability of an imaging system to differentiate between two near-by objects, depends on the size of the pixel used
  • Spatial resolution
    The ability of an imaging system to differentiate between two near-by objects
  • Spatial resolution in digital imaging
    Depends on the size of the pixel used
  • A large pixel size will be unable to resolve two near-by structures as compared to a small pixel size
  • Spatial resolution
    Measured in line-pairs per millimeters
  • Spatial resolution
    The size of one pixel on the ground
  • Temporal resolution
    How often data of the same area is collected, typically referred to as Revisit Time
  • Sensors can trade spatial resolution for temporal resolution

    It is difficult to maximize both
  • As spatial resolution increases
    Temporal resolution decreases
  • CsI (Cesium Iodide)

    Used to capture the x-ray in digital radiography
  • Amorphous silicon (a-Si)
    A semiconductor that is not crystalline but a fluid that can be painted onto a supporting surface
  • CsI phosphor
    • Available in the form of filaments to improve x-ray absorption and reduce light dispersion
  • Photoelectric capture
    High in CsI due to the atomic numbers of cesium (55) and iodine (53)
  • High x-ray interaction with CsI results in low patient radiation doses
  • DR image receptor
    • Fabricated into individual pixels, each with a light-sensitive face of a-Si, a capacitor, and a TFT embedded
  • Digital radiographic image production
    1. rays are converted to light by CsI phosphor, then to electric signal by the Active Matrix Array (AMA) of silicon photodiodes
  • CsI/a-Si
    An indirect DR process where x-rays are converted first to light and then to electric signal
  • A photomicrograph shows an active matrix array–thin-film transistor (AMA-TFT) digital radiography (DR) image receptor with a single pixel highlighted
  • Fill factor
    The percentage of the pixel face that is sensitive to x-rays
  • The fill factor is approximately 80%, therefore 20% of the x-ray beam does not contribute to the image
  • As pixel size is reduced
    Spatial resolution improves but at the expense of the patient radiation dose