
Cards (100)

  • media text
    any media we wish to examine, whether it is a banner article in a broadsheet etc
  • media text
    carry meanings, and those meanings affect our consciousness in various ways
  • Media texts have a physical form. Media text have economic value. Media texts are site for creation and production of meaning.
    Three features of media texts:
  • three features of media text

    starting point of media literacy
  • Industrial Revolution
    Mass scale of production of commodities became possible because of machines and rise of factories
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Seminal work on computer technology started, with the advent of the first ever real time computer at the _______________
  • Construction
    it creates representations
  • Representation
    is way of presenting reality again
  • Codes and Conventions
    are the building blocks of all media text
  • Codes
    are systems of signs that make up meaning
  • Conventions
    are established principles of doing something
  • Semiotics
    is the study of signs and their meanings in society
  • Hippocrates
    the founder of Western medicine, who planted the seeds of semiotics
  • Ferdinand de Saussure
    Semiotics was developed by the Swiss linguist ________
  • Signifier and Signified

    Components of sign
  • Signifier
    physical form (sounds, letters, gestures)
  • Signified
    the image or concept to which the signifier refers
  • Culture
    a historically transmitted pattern of meanings embodied in symbols, a system of inherited conceptions expressed in symbolic forms by means of which men communicate
  • 1. Extreme Long Shot
    2. Long Shot
    3. Medium Long Shot
    4. Full Shot
    5. Medium Shot, Mid Shot, and Medium Close Shot
    6. Close up
    7. Extreme Close-up (shot)/ Detail (shot) for objects

    ENUMERATE. Camera Range (7)
  • Extreme Long Shot
    Shot of a large crowd scene or view of scenery as far as the horizon
  • Long Shot
    A view of situation or setting from a distance
  • Full Shot
    A view of figure's entire body in order to show action and/or constellation of characters
  • Medium Shot, Mid Shot, and Medium Close Shot

    Shows a subject down to his/her chest or waist
  • Close up
    A full screen shot of a subject's face showing the finest nuances of expression
  • 1. Establishing Shot
    2. Point-of-View Shot
    3. Over-the-shoulder shot
    4. Reaction Shot
    5. Insert (shot)
    6. Reverse-angle shot
    7. Hand-held Camera
    ENUMERATE: Point of View (Viewpoints) (7)
  • Establishing Shot
    Often used at the beginning of a scene to indicate the location or setting. It is usually a long shot taken from a neutral position
  • POV Shot
    shows a scene from the perspective of a character or one person
  • Over-the-shoulder shot
    often used in dialogue scenes, a frontal view of a dialogue partner from the perspective of someone standing behind and slightly to the side of the other partner, so that parts of both can be seen
  • Reaction shot
    short shot of a character's response to an action
  • Insert Shot
    a detail shot which quickly gives visual information necessary to understand the meaning of a scene
  • Reverse-angle Shot
    A short shot from the opposite perspective
  • Hand-held camera

    The camera is not mounted on a tripod and instead is held by the cameraperson, resulting in less stable shots
  • 1. Aerial Shots or High Angle or Overhead
    2. High-angle shots
    3. Low-angle shot or Below Shot
    4. Eye-level shot or straight-on angle
    ENUMERATE: Camera Angles (4)
  • Aerial Shots or High Angle or Overhead
    Long or extreme long shoot of the ground from the air
  • High-angle Shot
    Shows people or objects from above, higher than eye level
  • Low-angle shot or below shot
    shows people or objects from below, i.e. lower than eye level
  • Eye-level shot or Straight-on Angle
    views a subject from the level of a person's eyes
  • 1. Panning shot
    2. Tilt Shot
    3. Tracking Shot/Trucking Sho
    4. Zoom
    ENUMERATE: Camera Movement (4)
  • Panning Shot
    the camera pans (moves horizontally) from left to right or vice versa across the picture
  • Tilt Shot
    the camera tilts up (moves upwards) or tilts down (moves downwards) around a vertical line